How to Visit the Truman Library

The Truman library is a rich source of information on the life of Harry Truman. Founded in 1957, it is located on West U.S. Highway 24 Independence which is the hometown of Truman. Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the United States and served in the position for two terms. His presidency was market with important and critical foreign policy decisions, mainly revolving around Soviet Union and attempts to curb communism. Those interested in history would have certainly heard of famous Truman doctrine which was a form willingness to help anyone standing against Communist forces. Truman was also the man behind the Marshall plan which aided European countries in strengthening themselves against Communism. Harry Truman was thus, a critical figure in American history. His library contains documents, photographs, letters, records and personal possessions of this great man. A visit to this library will surely be an enriching experience. The library is a great place for research and as a learning activity for Children. Our step by step guide shows you how to make the best out of this visit.


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    The tickets will be available at the front desk. There are different rates for adults, children, senior citizens and students. The rate for adults is $ 8.00, while for senior citizens it is $7. Children below five years of age have free admittance and those above it have $3 charges. The library is open Monday to Saturday during 9 am to 5 pm.

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    The library has permanent exhibits of the books, photographs, artifacts, film clips, documents, and memorabilia related to the life of the President. What makes the library special is that the president himself was involved in its building and decoration. Truman maintained an office here till his death in 1972.

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    The personal possessions of Truman on display are certainly not to be missed. His canes and hats - membership cards, award certificates and plaques, honorary degrees are on display along with the military gear he wore in World War 1. The items on display are not limited to only political life but also depict his relationship with family and his social circle.

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    There is a gift store inside the library where you can buy a variety of products including books, photographs, mugs, ornaments and clothes, all related to history and Truman. You can buy yourself a souvenir to take home or gift to friends.

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