How to Volunteer to Help Others on Easter

In the past, Christians spent the week before Easter in church, to do some pious deeds and trying to help the poor. Easter is a light and joyful holiday. With the arrival of Easter comes real spring. Therefore, it is important to take time out to help others.

It is a special holiday for Christians, symbolizing the victory of life over death. Therefore, this day is different from others because people go to church not only to confess their sins but to express their joy on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


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    Try to be close to the people, who don’t have many relatives around. In fact, this is the most crucial and important thing you can do. A person will not fully understand what you say to him during his/her happy days, but he/she will always remember your presence during the raining days.

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    Divide the grief and tears with those who suffer. Do not hide your feelings and do not try to say soothing monologue that is not so bad. Just agreeing that this situation is very hard and maybe even you do not know how to help and what to say, you are having a natural human experience. The other person for whom you are trying will realize your efforts and understand that you are here for sympathy.

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    Try to ask him or her  if they need any type of help, moral or financial because it sometimes becomes difficult for people to speak up their problems. Listen carefully, but do not try to insert your comments or make corrections. - Your task is to help the person to vent his or her painful experiences.

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    Make it clear to the person that what he or she  is experiencing at the moment, and tell them this is normal and do not go beyond the rules of behaviour.

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    Suffering people can suddenly become rough, rigid and irritated. So, it can hurt them that you are so helping them. This thing will motivate them to speak rudely to you. However, you should not forget that the other person is bad by nature, knowing that all of its manifestations are caused by his/her mental illness.

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    Help the person to adapt to a new life with the changes that have made the situation. Prepare him, teach something, but do not ask any direct question because it may scare them.

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