How to Write a Biology Dissertation

Writing an impressive and well-researched biology dissertation is among fascinating educational tasks and thankfully, the last step of graduate school. In order to produce a good biology dissertation, you have to clearly understand the basic structure of the dissertation and apply it properly. A unique biology dissertation requires proper knowledge of the field, time, and research. Make sure to select a unique topic for your dissertation. For this purpose, take a writing pad and note down all the potential biology academic topics that you can possibly write on. Now, start screening them and finalize a topic of the interest of your course instructor or committee.
Select an interesting biology related topic
You can select the topic of your biology dissertation from a wide range of issues including virology, immunology, neurochemical genetics, and evolution of mangroves in sub tropical climate, oceanic pollution, gene heredity, cloning, cell biology, biochemistry, and the use of DNA Profiling in solving crimes etc. However, if you have specific interest in Microbiology, then consider interesting topics like "The role of heredity in molecules” etc. Zoology students can think of unique topics like “The effect of constant transformation of mangroves on fish reproduction cycle,” and botany students can consider topics like “How sea life can be used to recover from the after effects of oil spills” or “The effects of global warming on the natural habitat” etc. -
Design title page
Designing an attractive title page for your biology dissertation is an important task as it is the first visible part of your project and gives an overall idea about it. The title page of your biology dissertation should have your name, logo of your institution or an image related to your topic, name of your university followed by the month and year. -
Now acknowledge all those people who assisted you directly or indirectly during your biology dissertation. -
An abstract is an overall summary of your biology dissertation. Therefore, try your level best to keep it simple and between a maximum of 100 to 150 words. -
Table of content
The table of content of your biology dissertation contains all sections and sub sections along with the chapters. -
An introduction of your biology dissertation actually serves as the main reason in order to set the context for the research. Therefore, make sure to clearly mention the reason why you have selected this specific topic for dissertation and what significance it will have on the field of biology and the upcoming generation. For example, if your biology dissertation is “Are animals like monkeys capable of acquiring language?” - then explain what were the factors that forced you to select an animal-related topic and how your research will contribute in the field of biology etc. -
Literature Review
In the literature review you have to include all the secondary data that is relevant to your topic. For example if the aspect of protein structure is your topic, then include all the previous theories and concepts related to it. Mention all the published works related to your biology dissertation topic, acknowledging the actual authors of the materials. -
In this section of your biology dissertation, describe the various research methods you used in your thesis. You can use either use qualitative or quantitative research methods. Procedures, participants, instruments and data analysis are the four main parts of your biology dissertation methodology. Make sure to select a research method that is easy to conduct and interpret. -
Now present the outcomes of the different research methods you used to conduct your biology dissertation. You can present them in the form of pie charts, column bars etc. -
Discussion is an important part of the biology dissertation where you discuss the results of the research methodologies and give your opinion in this regard as well. -
In this part of the biology dissertation, you have to give suggestions regarding further research and improvement in this specific field. -
Last but not the least; conclude your biology dissertation with a proper bibliography, which is the last page of your whole report. It contains all the information sources that you have used to gain information for your project. Make sure to put them in an alphabetical order and make sure to write down the full title, author, place of publication, publisher, and date of publication for each source that you used.