How to Write a Business Grant Proposal

Grant is free money given by wealthy donors to people working on projects who cannot bear the financial burden of the project themselves. Grants are of many kind, for example if the college students want to make a science project, that is out of their budget range, they look forward to organizations who grant money for science related projects to students.

To get a grant you have to prepare a proposal explaining the type of business you deal with, the amount of money required for it, and the complete time frame.


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    Work out your project scope of work and major objectives. It is recommended, that you explain the project narrowly, as it justifies your request for money. The proposal should cover the goals of the project, how you wish to achieve them, the benefits of it, and the expected outcome of the project.

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    Cover Letter

    The purpose of a cover letter is to familiarise the grantor to your business and explains its plus points. Then justify how this business is suited for the grant. You have to write the cover letter to the point, and try to be specific as grantors are not impressed by generalisations.

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    Table of contents

    Always make a detailed table of contents at the start of the proposal in order to make browsing through specific sections easier. Make sure that it reflects professionalism, i.e. the titles for different sections should not be vague or casual.

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    Executive summary

    The purpose of executive summary is to summarize the contents of the entire document in a small section. It should be the best section of the proposal. The quality of the content should be flawless, as all potential grantors go through this section in detail.

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    Statement of need

    This section should cover the needs and problems that your project will cater for or solve. Do research on it, and present it so, that the grantor knows that you have done your homework and are serious about the project.

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    Project description

    This is the longest section of the proposal, and should explain each and every detail of the project. Remember, do not try to mix it all up in one single paragraph, keep each part simple and short, and explain it clearly.

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    This section is actually for the grantee, it explains what actually the donor is trying to achieve by lending money.

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