How to Write a Business Proposal

A business Proposal is a formal document designed to indicate the willingness and ability of a business or person, to provide a product (goods or services) to a prospective client, and outline the strategy by which they plan to achieve the goals of the client.


Given the fact that profitable business activity relies upon having customers, a good business proposal is perhaps one of the most crucial documents you will need to learn how to write, and will often create the first impression a prospective client will have about you.

In fact, it is not uncommon to find entrepreneurs with great skills and services repeatedly failing to land contracts simply because they keep getting their some element of their proposal wrong. On the other hand you can land instant results simply by submitting a winning business proposal.

So before you get to work on writing that business proposal, you should probably take some time to understand just how you might be able to really impress your prospective clients.


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    Demonstrate Knowledge of the Clients Business

    A successful business proposal must be one that is able to describe, to the client, what their needs and are in a plain and simple but detailed manner. This is very important because your first opportunity to impress a potential client lies in your ability to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the clients business and challenges.

    The main objective of submitting a business proposal is to offer a solution to a problem faced by a prospective client and this part should be as detailed as possible, and should address every issue you have a solution to.

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    Do Your Research

    You've got to remember to be thorough in doing research on your prospective clients as not all clients and buyers will give you detailed information on their wants and needs, particularly for unsolicited proposals. Extend your research to include analysis of competitors of your potential client, and their customers as well. This will ensure that your business proposals will be as comprehensive and detailed as possible.

    Another thing to remember is to put yourself in the position of your prospective clients. Doing this will help you provide answers to the questions they would most likely ask, and will enable you explain lucidly, exactly how your solution stands out from those of your competitors.


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    Once you've gotten all the information you need, you can finally start writing your business proposal. You will need to remember that a proposal is meant to be a convincing document and your writing needs to convey confidence and passion.


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    Be sure to review your proposal carefully to ensure it completely fulfills the requirements (if any) that where set out. Make sure the information is arranged logically and it fully addresses each of the decision makers concerns. Finally, have someone you trust go through the proposal to be sure it is free of spelling and grammatical errors which could ruin all your good work.


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