How to Write a Dissertation Proposal

Dissertation is considered to be an important part of your degree whether you are about to complete your masters degree, PHD or a research degree. A proper procedure is followed in writing a dissertation and the most eminent part is to write proposal for a dissertation. If your proposal is impressive and it helps the reader to get engaged with your unique idea then it means you have been successful in making a perfect proposal. If the proposal is approved you will be allowed to continue your work further, but for some specific reason the members of the board or the committee has rejected your proposal then you will be asked to come up with a new and distinctive idea which forces them to accept your proposal.


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    Selection of topic

    The first thing in writing a proposal is to sensibly select an appropriate matter subject or them and be sure that you will be able to find authentic information over it. If you chose a tricky and complicated topic then you might end up in hassle and situation might get in over your head.

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    Analyzing topic

    After deciding your topic properly analyze what sort of changes you can bring in or with the help of research what kind of information you will unveil and astonish the reader. Proposal is an important factor because if it gets rejected your degree will be delayed.

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    Title page

    Like all other portions title page has its own importance which cannot be neglected. Think of an impressive and unique title for your dissertation because on the title page the catchiest thing should be the name of the dissertation. Besides proposal title the name of the student, department’s name, ID card number and the name of the supervisor should also be mentioned.

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    Table of Content

    Although this page comes in the beginning but you have to fill this portion in the end when you are done assembling the required information in order. The tables of contents contain the order number of chapter headings and other information in the proposal. Except for title page table of content, in simple words basically mentions the address of the specific portions mentioned in the proposal, that on which page number what will you find.

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    From abstract you will be providing readers with the description of your dissertation. In the abstract portion you will be providing the summery of the dissertation proposal and do not forget to mention that in what sense your proposal is different from rest of the proposals.

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    For the proposal introduction you will have to briefly descried the road map of your dissertation that what are you planning to do. Do mention how your dissertation will solve the unsolved queries and answer the unanswered questions.

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    In this portion you will have to tell that which searching technique you have chosen and why.

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    Resource and Budget

    State what is the estimated budget and what kind of resources are required for your dissertation.

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    A timetable is which you have assigned each task a required time should be stated.

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    State the sources from where you have picked the information

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