How to Write a Fashion Dissertation

Dissertation writing has always been considered by students as a grueling, painful and tiresome process. But there are certain areas in which dissertation writing can be fun – fashion is one such area. Although writing fashion dissertation can be a little difficult, but its relation with glam, glitter and funk makes it worthwhile all the same. Writing a fashion dissertation not only enables the student to get in touch with their funkier side, but it also provides them an opportunity to explore fashion in depth.  For writing a fashion dissertation, its preliminary to have the basic know how of the latest fashion trends, including what’s in and what’s out, what hot and what’s not, what’s to give and what’s to take and so on and so forth. Covering these basic areas provide the dissertation a stronger foundation.


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    Getting started: choosing the right topic.

    When starting a Fashion dissertation, the foremost step is to choose a topic. Choosing the right topic provides you a direction to work in, so that you can stay focused and do not deviate from the point. A topic is basically one way of avoiding the accumulation of random information in the dissertation, leading it to a total loss. So all in all, selecting the right topic is the first step towards a well aimed, result based Fashion dissertation. These topics can range from Mad for Madonna, the high and low fashions of Eighties pop culture, clothes for clubbers, the use of alternative materials, or trendy yet affordable fashionable clothing.

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    The title page:

    It's said “eyes are a mirror of the personality”. Similarly, in a fashion dissertation, the title page would be a mirror of the whole work, so special care has to be taken while designing the title page. It should be designed in a way that it aptly represents the gist of the whole work. The title page of a fashion dissertation should be as glitzy and glamorous as the fashion world itself.

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    A major important thing among others when writing a Fashion dissertation is to acknowledge the efforts of those who helped you while you worked on the dissertation.  

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    Abstract is basically an  introduction of  your dissertation. It provides an overall view of your work and therefore, should be written in a comprehensive yet precise manner to flaunt your point. The abstract in a fashion dissertation should be written in a way that it sets the tone, gives an insight into your work and points out the things to look out for.

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    The Table of Content:

    The table of content basically refers to the categorizing of your work for both your and the reader's ease. It pinpoints the topics with page numbers, their headlines and sub headings etc. For a real good fashion dissertation, make sure you choose headlines and sub heads that are impressive and depict your point.

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    Now this is the step where the real work begins. In the introduction of a fashion dissertation, you state the reason for conducting it and what do you aim to retrieve from it. It should be comprehensive yet simple. Not too flashy or confusing. The clearer the introduction, the better would its understanding be.

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    Literature Review:

    After the introduction, you have to provide literature on your topic that covers all the angles of your topic for instance, history, latest trends, high’s and low’s of fashion etc.The literature should be of high significance to the topic  and should not involve random data. Stick with your topic, do a comprehensive research on it and in the literature part, provide the most relevant data supporting your topic.

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    In this part you have to give all the methods that you used for collecting the required information/data for your fashion dissertation i-e qualitative methods or quantitative methods. It basically determines the ways and methods used to collect the data for the dissertation.

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    In this section, you relay the outcomes of your assessment; i.e, what did you find out from your research methodologies? The results of the research can be given in various forms like pie charts or graphs etc.

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    This is one of the most important step of a fashion dissertation because here you discuss the results of your research and give your opinion on the findings. It is basically an in-depth and over all discussion on the topic and what you found out about it while sticking with the facts and figures, and rounding it off with your opinion.

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    In this step you give your recommendations on what further improvements can be done on your topic, or what further research can be carried out, along with the areas it should be done in and the methods that should be adopted. 

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    This is the last and most important step in dissertation writing. In this step, you have to give all the information sources from where you gathered the material for your fashion dissertation. These can be books or websites or quotes of experts and celebrities. You have to give complete information about them i-e the website or author name, publication date etc. The bibliography not only helps future researchers get the required information, it also makes your work credible and prevents the accusation of plagiarism.

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