Steps to Write a Film Dissertation

Do you have a favorite film? Is it a romantic movie, thriller or an action film? What is the interesting point about your favorite movie? What do you actually think about when watching your favorite film?

If your favorite movie (s) means more than just an entertainment or even hangs outs with your friends, probably cinematography is your calling. Hence, you made an accurate decision if you signed up for writing a Film Dissertation. However, you simply cannot take it easy as writing a film dissertation is one of the most exigent academic experiences. What you need now is just a constructive piece of guidance on how to write an impressive Film Dissertation with good grades and you are good to go.


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    Choose simple but matchless film dissertation Topic

    The chosen topic plays vital role in the success of your film dissertation. So, try to keep it simple but impressive. Follow the given below areas of interest in order to select a topic for your film dissertation:

    - Your favorite movies - should be unique ones
    - Super-hit movies – that are known all over the world
    - Film genres
    - Famous Film -Directors and actors, etc
    - Film Festivals

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    Conduct a Research on the Selected Topic

    Once you select a topic for your film dissertation, conduct a research on it. You can think about the most useful sources to conduct your research. You can think of some books, newspaper and journal articles, movie reviews, online resources, etc. Moreover, you can conduct interviews with the experienced people of film industry, telephonic conferences, and can get the questionnaires filled as well.

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    Evaluate your collected data

    Now, it is the time to extract useful information from the collected data to draw your conclusion and recommendation on the basis of it. You can use pie charts, charts, and graphs etc to present the collect data in helpful ways.

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    Write up your Film Dissertation
    You have unique film dissertation’s topic and required data in hand, all you have to do is, writing up the dissertation in the required format. Given below is the structure of the Film Dissertation and the details:

    Work on Presentation:

    Before starting compiling data in hand make sure to have perfect title page of your dissertation, then get the dissertation abstract ready, and mark the table of contents (add page numbers at the end), and of course not to forget the acknowledgement page for the research paper.

    Introduction: The introduction is the key to the overall success of your film dissertation. So, keep it simple and informative. Make sure the introduction does not exceed one page and clearly defines the aim of selection of your topic.  Moreover, give a crux of the overall contents of your dissertation as well.

    Literature Review: It is another most important but dry part of the dissertation. It revolves around the secondary sources of data and is basically an account of what has been already published on the selected topic. The most important thing that you have to keep in mind while writing the literature review is, proper citation and referencing of the sources used. Otherwise, you can face the heavy consequences and penalties of Plagiarism, which is a serious academic crime.

    Methodology: In this part, you have to mention all the methods you used to collect the data about your film dissertation. For example, the primary sources of research and the secondary sources of research.

    Findings: Now, disclose the findings of your research and the overall film dissertation in this part of you thesis. Standard findings of a film dissertation make up one-third part of the entire thesis.

    Recommendations: There is a possibility that you cannot cover everything desired in your dissertation for a number of reasons. Hence, in this part of your Film Dissertation, you can mention or recommend any possible researches or improvements that can be carried out in the same capacity.

    Conclusion: This part of your film dissertation looks very simple but you cannot take it lightly as it is the most crucial part. You have to summarize the overall dissertation in just one page. Good things always have a good end; so, conclude your dissertation with some impressive vocabulary. Try you best to “say more with fewer words.”

    References: This is the last but very essential part of film dissertation. It is also known as the bibliography. In this part, you mention those sources or links from where you have extracted the information provided in dissertation. Make sure that you cover all the sources you utilized like novels, newspapers, magazines, articles and websites. This will not only make your dissertation authentic but will also help in any future research.

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