How to Write a Good Fantasy Novel

So you have been blessed with a strong imagination and creative writing skills. Do you want to use this talent and create your own world and characters? Do you have strong observations and expressions? If the answer is “Yes” then you probably have what it takes to write a good fantasy novel.

However, you must know that a fantasy story does not mean that the characters and events will be far away from reality. You must have some sense behind every move otherwise it will be rejected by the readers.

Follow some simple and effective directions to help you learn how to write a good fantasy novel.


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    Understand the genre:

    First, you should do some research about this genre of literature. The best way is to read fantasy stories as they will equip you with storytelling techniques. They will also broaden your horizon and ultimately you will be able to create a magnificent world of your own.

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    Think about the setting:

    Now, when you fully understand the genre, it’s time to think about the setting. In this process, you will decide the locale of your fantasy novel. It is not necessary to create completely a new world as you may use real life places and setting. However, make sure that you have some logic behind using a particular place.

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    Create all the characters:

    Your next task should be to create the characters of your fantasy novel. Start from the major characters and think of their personalities. Remember, every character will have different appearance and psyche. You must ensure that the imagination of the reader is being challenged through your unique characters. Stronger characters will ensure more readership.

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    Work on major events:

    After deciding the characters, you should think about the major and interesting events that can keep the reader engaged. Moreover, every incident should move the story ahead. If you know your characters and their psyche then you won’t find any trouble in deciding important turns of this story.

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    Make a story:

    Now you should arrange all the events in a sequence and build a story. This will require a couple of revisions as you will have to leave or add many things in your story to keep the reader interested.

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    Start writing:

    Once you have settle on the important points you should start writing. You should divide the complete story in different segments and focus on just one portion at a time.

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