How to Write a Leadership Dissertation

Leadership is simply defined as “organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal”. Writing a compelling Leadership Dissertation is not something extremely easy. This is not because it involves a massive word count or the research is quite intricate. Instead, a writer has to transform the topic he has chosen – a remarkable leadership principles into words. Apart from this, a writer must illustrate his knowledge of leadership theories by covering as many theories as possible. From the perspective of a leader, the leadership dissertation should be quite convincing and easy to understand. Below given are some steps that can help you in writing an effective leadership dissertation.


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    Choose the Right Topic

    Choosing the right topic for your leadership dissertation is an important task. For this purpose, you can go through recent leadership related issues in order to come up with a unique topic. Make sure to select a Dissertation Topic that is different and not written before by anyone. You can cite examples of some famous leaders in order to make the dissertation more authentic and meaningful. Besides, you can also discuss some leadership theories as basis of your dissertation. Some of the leadership theories are discussed below:

    Great Man Theories – Describe reasons for becoming a leader and believe in the fact that leaders are born and not made.
    Trait Theories – Quite similar to “Great Man” Theories, they describe traits of character that a child inherits and possesses as a leader.
    Situational Theories – Involve situations and events that resulted in making someone a leader.
    Behavioral Theories – These theories mainly discuss the explicit behaviors of a leader.
    Management Theories – Focus on organizational perspective of leadership such as control and teamwork.
    Participative Theories – Believe in the fact that a good leader is one who takes into account opinions and suggestions of his/her peers, subordinates and supervisors before making a decision.
    Relationship Theories – Focus on connections and relationships between leaders and followers.
    Contingency Theories – Focus on the type of style that is best for leadership according to the environment and changing situations.

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    The Title Page Design

    Try your best to make an impressive title page for your leadership dissertation as it creates the very first impression on your readers. For a Leadership Dissertation, it  should depict something related to leaders or leadership. However, a writer must ensure to keep it formal, simple and to the point.

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    In order to thank all those people who helped you during your leadership dissertation, simply write an Acknowledgment for Dissertation. Keep it to the point and simple.

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    Abstract of Dissertation

    An abstract of your leadership dissertation is actually the crux of your overall project. Write an Abstract for a Dissertation that is simple and highlights the main points of your dissertation.

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    Table of Contents

    The table of content of your leadership dissertation should include all the sections, sub sections of your dissertation.

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    The introduction of leadership dissertation should first of all clearly define the concept of leadership. For example, the very basic definition of leadership is the ability to gain followers so your dissertation should specify the type of influence that is required to gain followers. This should be related with the organizational perspective that how leadership can be attained and how it can be helpful in achieving organizational goals.

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    Literature review of Leadership Dissertation

    The Literature review of any dissertation is thought to be a dry part of the project but no one can ignore its importance as it talks about the previous works done in a specific field. As far as the leadership dissertation is concerned, it starts with a debate on the purposes of writing a Leadership dissertation on a certain topic. It also briefly covers any previous work done in the field.

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    Research Methodologies

    Producing an effective leadership dissertation will involve a lot of research from your part. Hence, the research methodologies used in research play a pivotal role in attaining the desired aims and objectives of the dissertation as well as collecting the sufficient data. A writer can include some conventional ways of research such as interviews, surveys and questionnaires etc.

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    Results and Findings

    In this part of your dissertation you should mention the findings of your primary as well as secondary research. Make sure that you are not biased while writing this part.

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    There is a chance that you may not cover each and everything pertaining to leadership in your research. Hence in this part, you can suggest any further research that can prove to be fruitful in the same or different capacity.

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    Concluding the Dissertation

    If you highlighted any problem related to leadership in your dissertation then this part should have a proper solution to the problem, or introduction of a new concept altogether. Ensure that the conclusion doesn’t go beyond one page or so but should contain a brief summary of your research and findings including any areas that may require further research.

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    In order to avoid plagiarism, you need to provide the references of the secondary data used in your Leadership dissertation. If you do not do so, then considering that there is no space for plagiarism in the field of education, your dissertation is likely to be rejected. Hence, do include the references in the format that your committee asks you. This can be APA, MLA, Harvard or any other formatting style.

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