Voluntary Work Cover Letter

Work isn’t always paid, and doesn’t have to be, especially if it is something you do for the benefit of the society at large. You probably know about several institutions in your own locality which work towards social betterment.

Examples of these institutions and organizations are NGOs, NPOs and churches, which excel in social work, but most of these institutions depend on donations since they don’t engage in commercial activities to generate revenue.

This is why they often need volunteers to help carry out their work and meet goals without expecting monetary compensation. If you wish to become a part of such an organization on a voluntary basis, you will need to write a voluntary work cover letter, which is what we’re here to help you with.

Tips for Writing a Voluntary Work Cover Letter

  • Address the letter to the person in charge of the organization
  • Appreciate the work and its results on your surroundings/society
  • Share how you intend to become a part of the organization
  • Explain why they should consider your voluntary participation
  • State what you bring to their cause (skills, experience)
  • Offer to entertain further requests for information
  • Sign the letter before sending


  • 1

    Sample of a Voluntary Work Cover Letter


    Mrs. Tracy Bolton
    Head Administrator
    Women Empowered
    1019 California


    Grace Holloway
    Digital Marketing Consultant
    NewMedia Co.
    1290 California

    Dear Mrs. Bolton,

    I would like to begin by sharing how I feel about the work you and your organization, Women Empowered, do for the uplift of women in our society. Being a working woman and sharing the same values as you, I naturally feel like I am a part of ‘Women Empowered’ and am touched by the lives you save and change.

    Unfortunately, single mothers and women living alone are never truly independent or secure. I love how you send out counselors and offer work opportunities to women along with coaching them to be more confident in the face of difficulties.

    Being a true admirer of your work, I would like to apply for the advertised voluntary positions at Women Empowered.

    I have been working for over 4 years as the Digital Marketing Consultant at New Media Co. and my experience puts me in a good position to give advice regarding the use of new technologies for women empowerment. Moreover, I have also previously worked for Save the Women foundation in a voluntary capacity, helping them formulate a social media strategy to identify and reach out affected women.

    It would be an honor for me to work with your organization and I’ll be looking forward to a positive response.


    Grace Holloway

  • 2

    Template of a Voluntary Work Cover Letter


    (Recipient’s name)
    (Recipient’s designation)
    (Organization’s name)


    (Your name)
    (Your designation)
    (Your organization’s name)

    Dear Mr./Ms. (Recipient’s name),

    I am writing this letter to appreciate the work your organization is doing for (organization’s mission/beneficiaries), and would like to apply for the voluntary positions you advertised.

    My current position at (Your organization’s name) puts me in good stead to support your mission and serve the community at large.

    I have also worked as a volunteer with (Previous organization's name) and helped them (your role in the organization).

    If my application is accepted, I will be working in a part-time capacity, and the hours I can offer are (hours you can work).

    It would be an honor if you accept my application for voluntary work with (Organization’s name).

    Please feel free to contact me for further information.

    Looking forward to your response,


    (Your name)
    (Your designation)

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