How to Write a Proposal Letter for Outsourcing

Outsourcing has become a widespread phenomenon in the past few years. Many companies around the world are externalising their core business activities through contracting or sub-contracting to the countries where the cost of labour is cheap. It not only helps the companies to minimize their expenses, but also provide room to focus on the core business activities in a more profound manner.

In order to get an outsourcing contract, you have to write a proposal letter to a respective company. The proposal letter for outsourcing must be convincing enough to get you the contract.

The sample and template below can help you understand how to write a proposal letter for outsourcing.

Tips to Write Proposal Letter for Outsourcing

  • Use a formal and professional tone
  • Keep a keen eye for punctuation and grammar mistakes
  • Write a detailed proposal


  • 1

    Sample Proposal Letter for Outsourcing

    April Broadway
    Professor of Geology
    390 French Hall
    Lexington, MA 2309

    June 10, 2014-05-29 Dr Jane
    Director Earth and Science
    NSI Foundation
    Wilson Boulevard 90210
    Arlington, VA 2347

    Dear Dr Jane,

    I submit herewith a proposal in support of research program entitled “Problems of Excess Argon in Texas” to be performed under the direction of Euphoria State University.

    I have listed down all the advantages of outsourcing the caretaker for this particular project. Please go through the attached letter in order to fully understand how this will be beneficial for us.

    Thanks and regards,

    John Volt
    Professor of Geology

  • 2

    Template Proposal Letter for Outsourcing

    Company Name (and logo)
    Phone/Fax number
    E-mail (optional)

    Receiver’s Name
    Receiver’s Address
    Receiver’s Phone Number

    Dear (Recipient’s Name),

    I am writing this letter as a proposal for outsourcing the (event name). This is going to beneficial for us because (reasons).

    I hope you fully understand how this is helping us through (different reasons). Moreover, we will not be the ones responsible for any mishap that takes place during this event.

    I hope you fully understood my proposal. If there is anything you would like to discuss with me, you can always contact me on my phone number: (phone number).

    Thanks and regards,

    Signature of the Sender
    Name of the Sender

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