How to Write a Seal Bid for a Property

Bidding for a property is a very important deed in real estate business as it is the best way to give your proposal to the other party. A sealed bid is basically a reply to an invitation to bid in which an organisation or individual owner invites the interested parties to submit their offer.
This proposal should be well drafted as it is your best and probably the only chance to hit the mark. Usually, companies have corporate lawyers on board to take care of such things but if you are running a small business then it becomes difficult to bear these extra expenditures.
Here comes the question can anyone write a perfect seal bid without having a prior experience. The answer is yes but you will have to take care of certain things.
First thing you should do is to read thoroughly the invitation to bid. Have a detailed look at the terms and condition. You should completely understand what is other party demanding. Moreover, you should make note of the deadline as your bid will go into dust bin if it is received after the deadline.
Give the other party a brief introduction of yours and then describe the nature of your bid. You may add few sentences about the property to show your keen interest. Do not drag this portion rather be specific and to the point to prove yourself professional and serious contestant.
Now it is time to give full details of your proposal. This portion of the bid comprises the price you are offering and the time period in which you will pay. You may give couple of solid reasons for such price. However, it is better to stick with the main agenda only.
Attach a contract with your package. The contract should address all the terms and condition, prices and all the relevant dates. You may sign this contract to show your interest. Keep it to the point.
Provide your complete contact information and then do not forget to mention your references. You should also provide their contact numbers and postal addresses.
Now put this bid in a large envelope and do not forget to seal the envelope properly. Write your recipient’s address and then dispatch it through a certified mail service or deliver it by hand.