How to Write a Title Page for a Grant Proposal

Grants are offered by both public and private sector organisations which you can use to fulfill your specific requirements. You can get grants to get higher education, to build your own house, to pay your medical expenses or to repair your car. In order to get a grant, you have to write a proposal in which you give all the necessary details about your need, financial position and tenure of the activity for which you are seeking for a grant.

Writing an effective title page of your grant proposal is very important because it creates an initial impression on the mind of the granter.


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    You must know that if your title page is not up to the mark, you will not be able to get any grant. Therefore, you have to state the summary of everything which is in your proposal in your title page so that the evaluator may assess your application by taking a mere look at your title page.

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    You have to write the title of your grant proposal which should be concise and brief. Try to create a title of only one sentence which is easily understandable.

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    After writing the title, you have to mention your need. Provide every detail about your need for which you are asking for a grant. State everything clearly with honesty. It is extremely important for you to write everything truthfully.

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    Then, you have to write the exact amount of money which you need as a grant. You can also mention a minimum amount of money which you need as a grant because sometimes you receive lesser amount than you have mentioned in your proposal. But, the minimum amount should not be too less as compared to the original amount you mention.

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    Now, you have to write about your financial position. You don’t have to express your misery, just state your current financial position and don’t exaggerate about anything. Be truthful and honest in expressing your financial state.

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    It will be better for you to mention the time period in which your activity (for which you want the grant) will be completed. Besides, if your activity will be completed in a longer period of time, you can also propose a plan for receiving the grant (for instance, you intend to receive certain dollar amount every month for a specified number of years).

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