How to Write a Travel Journal that’s Worth Reading

Our book shelves contain a lot of thick notebooks about travelling which we know we won’t open. A good travel journal is hard to find that captures your interest and jeeps you want to read on. Many people maintain travel journals but the main question is how to write one that you will want to pick up again and read to your grand children. Some people write blogs online to share their travel experiences with others but it doesn’t have the same charm as a travel journal. Many people consult their journals when they are travelling again.
Things Required:
– Travel journal
– Pens
– Ticket stubs
Buy a good quality journal to record your travel experience. If you buy papers stapled together, they would fall apart in few days and it will give a much unmaintained look. Go for a bind book. The one with hard covers have the longest life and also give a presentable effect. Make a habit to write the journal daily while travelling. If you are on a busy trip, it may be hard to fit writing in the busy schedule but you will regret if the moments aren’t captured. Even if it is a paragraph, do write it. You may postpone writing but then you will forget the details and usually a person never writes later.
Use your free time for writing. There is a lot of time when you are just travelling on the train or waiting in the boarding lounge or just lying in bed at night. Do not forget to include a date with every entry. Write the place you are in, the purpose of travel and also who you are with. Putting down what you are also makes the journal interesting. These little details add a personal touch to the journal and you will enjoy recalling these events.
It is important to list down locations, facts and figures but writing how you feel makes the journal more interesting. Travelling is all about experiencing new things and your reaction to them. Write down what you like, dislike or what made you happy. It will make sure that memories always remain fresh.
It is interesting to look at old tickets that you purchased so keep the ticket stubs in the journal. You travel on trains; go to museums, amusement parks or galleries etc, the tickets will not let the memories fade away. This little information about your travel will help you picture the whole scene.