How to Write an Acknowledgment for Dissertation

Writing any dissertation is just not possible without getting some help from the people around you, like your course instructor, friends, colleagues, family members, companies etc. Therefore, make sure to recognize their contribution during your project, adding simple statement of gratitude to them in the acknowledgement section of your dissertation. Make sure to thank each of them individually. It will take you few minutes to write an acknowledgement but the people at the other end will definitely feel proud of being a part of your final project. Make sure your acknowledgment page does not exceed one A-4 page at any cost therefore; it is better to use simple and short but impressive phrases.
Pick a drafting pad and write the names of both minor and major contributors of your dissertation who helped you during the project (thesis).
Now, turn on your computer and open a document with the name of Dissertation Acknowledgement.
Leave equal margins on all four sides of the page and write “Acknowledgement” in bold. Now, bring it to the center of the page as a heading and underline it for a more formal look.
Skip four-line space and start writing the body of the acknowledgement, which is normally one paragraph or maximum two to three to show you thankful expressions.
You can get a start with some eye-catching and impressive phrases like “I am truly in debt and thankful to…,” “My Dissertation would not have been possible without the help of….,” “ I owe sincere and earnest thanks to…,” “ I would like to show my gratitude to..” etc.
Once you thank the contributors, select the page from top to bottom, right click, and copy it. Now open your dissertation document and paste it to the dissertation page after the title page. However, if you have a dedication page then make sure to paste it after that.
Now, place a page number for your dissertation acknowledgement in the required style.
Dissertation Acknowledgement Sample 1
I am truly indebted and grateful to my teacher Mr. ABC for his valuable guidance and support throughout my dissertation. Besides, I would definitely like to thank Mr. DEF, Ms. MNO, and Mrs. XYZ, who boosted me morally, financially and provided me with useful and informative resources. -
Dissertation Acknowledgement Sample 2
I am heartily thankful to my father, Mr. ABC, who gave me the moral as well as financial support I required during my dissertation. It would have been next to impossible to write this dissertation without my Professor Mr. XYZ’s help and guidance, who helped me in selecting right research methodologies. Besides, I would like to Ms. PQR, who is the regional Marketing manager of Sky Group of Industries. Without her corporation throughout the project, I could not have gotten the required data for my dissertation.