How to Write an Architecture Dissertation

Architecture itself is field which is linked with art, designing and construction. If you have selected architecture as the nature of your dissertation then you better make your researching skills strong because for a field like architecture you need to gather vast sum of information which is sometimes not easily available, still there are various method which can make your life quite simple. While writing a dissertation on architecture it is up to whether you wish to focus on art, building and their construction style, shapes of the building or architecture which involves science and creates buildings. Keep in mind that although architecture is all about creativity where as writing an architecture dissertation is a all about research.
Meeting with the committee
In order to discuss the entire procedure and make sure that everyone is aware of it the committee schedules a meeting with the whole department. They will mention the time in which the specific procedure has to be completed besides that the submission dates, dos and don’ts will be clearly defined. In the first meeting you will be asked to decide your topic and submit a proposal.
Topic Selection
Selection of topic for the architecture dissertation is not that hard but you just have to come up with a unique and distinctive idea. When we think about architecture it means that you are visualizing a building before it is constructed. Due to immense development you are provided with various topics but it is up to you that which matter or subject seems more interesting to you. Few relevant topics are mentioned below:
Earthquake design in architecture
Building wonder bridges
Organic architecture
Non rectangular building science
The wonder that is Sydney Opera house
How architecture affects the environment
Form more important than function?
Be very careful while selecting your topic because if for any reason your proposal gets rejected due to unimpressive topic your degree might will be late. If you are given a choice to select a research technique of your own choice than try using the qualitative research technique. Try selecting an easy subject matter because if the theme is complex and tricky you will not be able to gather enough relevant info which will place you in a worse situation.
Now the time comes to prepare a proposal. Proposal should be very impressive because this document will help in making a bridge between your unique idea and its end results. Proposal basically is a documented form of your ideas thoughts and your targets, make sure your proposal is successful in making the committee members impress. The sample dissertation proposal is as follow.
Approval or rejection of the Proposal
When your proposal has been approved, continue your work from the very first day and avoid wasting time because your research will take half of your time. For some reason if the proposal has been rejected then follow the same procedure again and try looking for more innovative ideas.
Assign time to tasks
The best way of completing you time is to assign time to each task this will not only divide your work properly but you will get a chance to complete your work in time.
Gather data
Since you are an architecture and the ideas coming in to your minds are related to buildings for which internet and books are not enough you also have to visit the location and look up for relevant information. Besides this have meetings with professors and senior students so that they can give you an idea how and where you should initiate your work. Research in architecture is the toughest thing which requires huge time so start gathering raw information from all the available resources and keep them safe so that you can easily extract the required information.
Assemble raw data
After gathering information analyze the collection of data and assemble them in a proper manner, because when you are done with assembling and analyzing you will have to covert it in to a proper document called the dissertation.
Title page
The interesting topic has already been selected so on the title page along with the topic, your name, id number, department name and your supervisor’s name should be available.
For the expression of gratitude you will have to mention all those names who helped you in completing you dissertation because for an architecture dissertation you will require help from professors and professional architectures.
In abstract you will have to summarize your entire dissertation which will include such points and aspect that makes your dissertation distinctive form the others dissertations.
Introduction has so much importance because it has the power to force reader to get them involved in the dissertations because you will be providing research questions and end it with a clear hypothesis. Introduction is basically the road map of what you have done and where you have started from.
Now you will have to continue your work by covering your research and mentioning everything one by one. Whenever the nature of your discussion changes start it from a new chapter do not forget to mention the quotations and sayings in bold letters.
Meeting with supervisors
You will be given a specified time in which you will be allowed to have meetings with your supervisor, now it is up to you whether you wish to utilize that time in the beginning, middle or in the end.
After completing your dissertation, and you have successfully achieved the expected results than write the summary of your dissertation.
This portion will contain the outcomes and the result of the dissertation and do not forget to mention that whether the expected result has been attained or not.
Mention the sources and the references you have used in order to complete the dissertation.