How to Write an Art Dissertation

Among all the subject and fields art is considered to be the most interesting and colorful subject. You can find tons of varieties in this field on which you can write a dissertation. Likewise other subjects you will face challenges in this field as well but if you have interest than with passions you will be able to produce and amazing written piece. Besides choosing a specific art theme, subject or an artist you can also select any project which you have invented on your own. In arts the best part is that you are not bound to do anything there is freedom of expression and thoughts.
Before you start with your dissertation you will have meeting with your department and they will clarify you what sort of dissertation they require. The discussion will ensure you that whether the dissertation is supposed to base on creativeness or is it the mixture of creativeness as well as facts and opinions. This meeting is very important because you have to choose your supervisor and time slot is assigned to you in which you have to decide your topic and present a proposal.
Topic Selection
For selection of topic try looking for innovative ideas. If you are inspired by any artist and his work try looking into his career more deeply. Prefer searching through internet, libraries, art councils and galleries.
Prepare a proposal after the selection of your topic. This document will basically produce a written form of your ideas to the committee. Proposal is considered to be the most important aspect in the entire procedure of dissertation because it makes a bridge between the existing work and your work.
This document will give the reader a vision about you’re your plan and how beneficial your project can be. Your dissertation should portray distinctiveness, what kind of study is required and how will you study.
If the chosen topics have already been covered, then mention what sort of modifications your research will bring in. Try submitting the proposal on time and wait for the approval. If for some reason your proposal has been rejected then choose some other idea.
Time assigning
After the confirmation of your proposal immediately start your work and assign each task an appropriate time slot. This will help you to complete your work in the required time.
Gathering data
For gathering raw data use each and every mean where you think you can find relevant information and make use of it in a proper manner. Try searching through internet, art galleries, art exhibitions, your seniors including professors and last but not the least libraries. In art dissertation qualitative technique is preferred because you have various options through which you can collect the related info.
The abstract should contain 100 to 350 words. In abstract you will briefly summarize the dissertation and why the specific, besides that mention the reason why the theme has been chosen and what is its background.
In the introduction portion you will be introducing your project and the changes you will bring in, along with that do keep in mind not to mention information in detail, few relevant points related to your selected theme should be present in the introduction. Introduction portion is also very important because a good intro has the tendency to engage readers.
Meeting with the supervisor
You will be give a specific time limit in which you can have meetings with your supervisor but it is up to you whether you want to avail that opportunity in the middle of the project at the end or in the beginning.
After completing the introduction portion you will continue with you dissertation which includes your research and your ideas. Your dissertation should include chapters and whenever the nature of your discussion changes start with a new chapter.
You can also mention the quotations and the sayings where ever it requires but do not forget to bold them.
After completing your research and adding the relevant information, write the summary. Summary actually contains the work you have done in your project.
The last but not the least comes the conclusion portion, in which you will mention the outcomes of your project and the results.
Do mention the references and the sources you have used in order to prepare your art dissertation.