How to Write an Authentic Haiku

Haiku is a type of free style Japanese poetry that has been a part of the Japanese poetry culture since centuries. The poetry is written in short lines and syllables but its reflection can be extended to the feel of larger developments in the environment, change in the feelings of humans and social activity that affects both climate and humans. Some followers of this type of poetry do not just teach the students just lines and syllables that have become a part of modern Haiku teaching culture, but they also focus on general thematic aspects of it.


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    Haiku is a free-style form of Japanese poetry that is inspired by the changes in climate i.e. seasons, weather and related developments, but its focus is still like all other poetry forms, which is to convey feelings resulting from these changes and their reflection in these changes.

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    Haiku poetry is still very popular form of poetry and is taught globally. Since it is limited to writing short lines and syllables, students find it very interesting to write. They can pick an idea for example moving tree leaves and write some verses and then go on to write how they see the clouds glide. It is matter of time that you as a writer conceive an idea and write some verses on the spot.

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    You as a student are also taught to focus thematic aspect of the poetry no matter what is the subject. Also, the poetry is a reflection of changes in the climate i.e. seasons, but it effectively expresses the same feelings all other form of poetry do.

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    This type of poetry resonates with the short and free-style poems in the English and other literature and therefore it has been adopted and learned in the western countries as much as it is in Japan and Asia pacific. It reflects on the rich Japanese traditional culture that is studded with excellent poetry and art forms.

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    You can start writing  Haiku by reading some work and observing how the poets have approached to each line. Since, Haiku is one of the most simplest forms of poetry, it does not require much effort to understand it. You can read through the verses knowing meaning of each easily, and then you can copy the style in the beginning, until you find a niche.

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    You can take lessons to understand the historical or cultural perspective of the poetry, which will make it easy for you to know the purpose of the work you do. Since it is integrated well within the local environment and climate, Haiku also works as a tool to reflect how things have looked like in local communities, historically.

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