How to Write an Effective Complaint Letter

Sometimes you acquire the services or products of some company and it does not live up to your expectations. You want to register your complaint and get compensation but lack of knowledge comes in your way. If you are unfamiliar with the procedure then let me tell you that a complaint letter is your best bet in such conditions.
An effective complaint letter can resolve your problem and get you the compensation which you did not even think. Remember, writing a short and snappy complaint letter is a tricky job but you can file your case effectively with this technique.
In first paragraph of your letter, provide your addressee the complete information of your purchased product/ service. Give exact date, location and other important details.
Use second paragraph to give reason of your complaint and then request proper investigation to resolve the issue.
In the next paragraph, remind the other party to check the attached documents / evidence and your contact information. Then close your letter with some courteous salutation.
Sample of an Effective Complaint Letter:
Alistair Campbell,
47 Green Fields,
London - 56198,
November 28, 2012.
Mr. John Smith,
Sales & Customer Care,
Vision Electronics,
Birmingham – 569327
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing this letter to file a complaint about a T.V set which I bought on November 15, 2012. I purchased this item from one of your outlets situated in South Hall, London.
I was very excited to have a flat screen colour television but unfortunately it was not up to my expectations because of its bad video graphics card. Moreover, it also has problems with its speakers.
I would appreciate if you look into this matter and direct the relevant person to resolve this problem. The copies of receipt, credit card statement and warranties are attached for your perusal.
You can contact me at 675-981-265 in case of any reservations. I would be really grateful if you investigate properly and resolve this issue.
Alistair Campbell. -
Template of an Effective Complaint Letter:
[Your Name]
[Your address]
[City and Postal code]
[Receiver’s Name]
[Company’s Name]
[City and Address]
[Dear Mr. / Mrs. (last name of your recipient)]
I am dispatching this letter to report my dissatisfaction over [give details of the product/ service] which I acquired on [date] from your office [location of company’s office].
I filing this complaint because [put your reasons here].
The copies [mention documents] are attached with and I hope these will be enough for a fair investigation.
You can contact me at [contact information] in case of any concerns. I would really appreciate your cooperation regarding this matter.
[Your Name]