How to Write a Conditional Acceptance Letter

A Conditional Acceptance Letter is written as a response to an offer, request or proposal which is conditionally accepted. This means that for complete acceptance there are some conditions involved that are to be fulfilled. Hence, if the required conditions are not fulfilled, this may result in rejection of the proposal or request. The writer or sender of conditional acceptance letter has to thoroughly highlight the conditions which are required to be fulfilled by the recipient. Usually these conditions are some mere formalities which are required to be sorted out for an agreement to be finalized between the two parties. The steps below will guide you on writing Conditional Acceptance Letter.
Getting Started: Sender’s Information
Sender provides his/her information at the top left corner of the page. The information includes name, designation, company’s name and necessary contact details as mentioned below.
(Sender’s Name)
(Company’s Name)
(Company’s Address)
(City & Zip Code)
(Contact Number)
(Email) -
It is the date when the letter is written and should be mentioned in DD/MM/YYYY format. -
Recipient’s Information
Right after the date with one line space, it is the recipient’s information. It includes more or less the same type of information as in case of the sender.
(Recipient’s Name)
(Complete Address)
(City & Zip Code)
(Contact Number)
(Email) -
The subject of this letter should be written as BOLD & UNDERLINED and must give a brief idea of the whole story in the letter. -
The recipient is addressed by the sender in this step by his/her last name such as Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. Sometimes, it is good to mention full name of the recipient. -
Main Letter Content
The first paragraph opens up by thanking the recipient for his/her interest in the matter. It is also good to indicate receiving of the application or proposal pertaining to sending of the acceptance letter. After that, there is a remark on the person to whom the letter in to be sent along with the additional requirements required by the sender.
The second paragraph should simply and clearly describe all those requirements or conditions that are required to be fulfilled. -
The letter is concluded with a simple courteous statement. There can be an instruction for the candidate before or after the statement. -
This comes right after the conclusion and can be mentioned as Yours Sincerely, Yours Faithfully, Yours Truly and Regards. -
Right below the Valediction, the sender signs the letter. -
The sender is again required to mention his/her name right below the signature. The name may be followed by mentioning the designations and company’s name. -
Sample of Conditional Acceptance Letter
Michael William
Manager Human Resource
TXN International
456 Maple Leaf Avenue
Anaheim, California
92615, CA
Date: 22-06-2012
Sam Richards
H.No: 345, Vauxhall Street
Irvine, California
92767, CA
Phone: 714-333-5566
Thank you for your interest in TXN International. We have received your application for the post of Marketing Manager. It is worth-mentioning here that your qualification and professional experience makes you one of the rightful candidates for this post. However, we require some details regarding your previous employment history as discussed below.
You are requested to provide Experience Certificates for all the organizations in which you have been previously working. Make sure that the experience certificate mentions your employment tenure, designation and gross salary. Besides, you can also provide any certifications that you might have been awarded working in different companies.
We hope that you will provide us the above requested documents so that your name could be finalized for the applied post. A prompt response in this regard would be highly appreciated.
Yours Faithfully,
Michael William
Manager Human Resource
TXN International -
Template of Conditional Acceptance Letter
(Sender’s Name)
(Company’s Name)
(Company’s Address)
(City & Zip Code)
(Contact Number)
Date: __/__/____
(Recipient’s Name)
(Complete Address)
(City & Zip Code)
(Contact Number)
Dear Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. (LAST NAME),
Thank you for your interest in ________. We have received your application for ______________________ . It is worth-mentioning here that your proposal for _____________ best suits our requirements. However, we need some _________________ in order to proceed with ___________.
You are requested to provide __________________________________.
We hope that you'll duly provide __________________ latest by____________, so we can finalize your name for ________________ .
Yours Sincerely,
(Company Name)