How to Write a Contract Acceptance Letter

If you have good enough market repute and you happen to be well known all around than there would be many business enterprises that may want to work with you and so want to proceed with some terms, most commonly known as a contract. Besides, individual level, contracts can also be made on organizational level. However, while doing so you have to ensure that the party you with whom you are entering into a business contract is reliable and equally well-reputed as you are. If you are satisfied with the particulars they have provided for reaching a contract then you inform them by writing a Contract Acceptance Letter.


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    Getting started

    Like other formal letters, this letter also begins with the sender’s information at the top in the following manner.

    (Sender’s Name)
    (Company’s Name)
    (Company’s Address)
    (City and Zip Code)
    (Phone Number)

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    Leave one line space after giving the above information and write the date following Day/Month/Year Format or whatever you think is suitable.

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    Receiver or Contractor’s Information

    This is mentioned more or less the same way as the sender’s information. The only difference will be of the content but the format will be same.

    (Contractor’s Name)
    (Contractor’s Designation)
    (Company’s Name)
    (Company’s Address)
    (City and Zip Code)
    (Phone Number)

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    Leaving one line space after mentioning the date it is the salutation. Simply write Dear Mr. /Ms. / Mrs. or MS- (Company’s Name).

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    The subject straight forwardly indicates that what the letter is all about. Hence whether the proposal is accepted or declined it is mentioned in the subject with bold and capital letters.

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    Letter’s Body

    This is usually composed of two paragraphs. The first one normally elaborates whatever is mentioned in the subject whereas the second paragraph contains some directions for the contractor. It may also involve some appreciation for the contractor along with good wishes.

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    The letter concludes with a courteous statement followed by Yours Faithfully, Yours Sincerely or simple Regards along with Sender’s signature, name and designation.

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    Sample Contract Acceptance Letter

    Harry James
    Skyways Automobiles
    56363, Minad Street
    Sheenan, CN 4362

    Nelson Parker
    General Manager
    Roy Electronics
    49011, Ploy Avenue
    Averroes, GA 431

    28th March, 2012

    Dear Sir,


    On behalf of the management of Skyways Automobiles, I am pleased to inform you that the company has accepted to enter into a business contract with yours. In order to remind you as a part of agreement, you will be supplying us with electrical fittings and appliances amongst others. The complete details of the contract are listed in the business agreement.

    We have decided to finalize this contract with you because on the basis of your impressive record, which is free of scandals and full of achievements. At Skyways Automobiles, we hope that you will always try to meet our expectations. On our own part, we pledge to fulfill our own part of the deal.

    A positive and adequate response from your part will be highly appreciated.
    Yours faithfully,

    Harry James
    Chief Executive
    Skyways Automobiles

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    Template Contract Acceptance Letter

    (Sender’s Name)
    (Company’s Name)
    (Company’s Address)
    (City and Zip Code)
    (Phone Number)

    (Contractor’s Name)
    (Contractor’s Designation)
    (Company’s Name)
    (Company’s Address)
    (City and Zip Code)
    (Phone Number)


    Dear Mr. /Ms. / Mrs. or MS- (Company’s Name)

    Subject: _______________________________________

    On behalf of the management of ___________________________, I am pleased to inform you that the company has _____________________________________. In order to remind you as a part of agreement, you will be ____________________________________________. The complete details of the contract are listed in the business agreement.
    We have decided to finalize this contract with you because on the basis of ___________________________________________________. At ____________________, we hope that you will always try to meet our expectations. On our own part, we pledge to _____________________.
    A positive and adequate response from your part will be highly appreciated.
    Yours faithfully,

    (Signature and Name)
    (Company’s Name)

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