Credit Acceptance Letter

There is hardly any business on planet Earth that runs free of credit. In order to successfully run your business and build up a good reputation in the market, you often have to facilitate your clients with credit. Nevertheless, it is good that you ask the debtor for a written request for credit so that you have a proof that he/she owes you something.

The written application should be adequately responded with rejection or a proper credit acceptance letter. It should either have an Appendix B attached with it that state the terms and conditions of the credit facility awarded, or they can be written in the body of the letter. Moreover, the time period of the credit facility should also be mentioned to clear any ambiguity. This is so both the parties know what they are signing up for.

Scroll down and learn how to write a credit acceptance letter.

Tips to write a Credit Acceptance Letter

  • Be thankful
  • Try and maintain a positive tone


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    Sample Credit Acceptance Letter


    Michael William
    Senior Credit Head
    Five Star Credit Facility
    1472 Robinson Lane
    Worthington OH 43175


    Harry James
    1392 Garfield Road
    Peoria IL 616024

    28th March, 2012

    Dear Mr. James,

    Subject: Acceptance of Credit Request

    Five Star Credit Facility is pleased to inform you that your credit application for a sum of $50,000 has been accepted. Your immaculate credit history and good market reputation influenced our final decision.

    You are now requested to visit our office any time between 9AM to 5 PM from Monday to Friday in order to collect the check and to fulfil other formalities. Please remember that as per our policy you will be required to give back this amount within a time-span of three months.

    We look forward to a fruitful business relationship with you!

    Yours Truly,

    Michael William
    Senior Credit Head
    Five Star Credit Facility


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    Template Credit Acceptance Letter


    (Authorized person’s Name)
    (Company Name)
    (Company Address)
    (City and Zip Code)
    (Phone Number)


    (Debtor’s Name)
    (Company Name)
    (Company Address)
    (City and Zip Code)
    (Phone Number)

    28th March, 2012

    Dear Mr. / Ms. / Mrs.

    Subject: ____________________________________________

    On behalf of _________________________ we are pleased to inform you that your credit application for the sum of ______________ has been accepted. The decision was influenced by ________________________________. Nevertheless, the disbursement of credit will be finalized once as soon as you provide us with all the needful documents.

    You are hereby requested to visit our office between __________ to __________ from __________ to ___________ for collection of the check and other formalities. Besides, you are also advised to provide some collateral against the amount of credit you are obtaining. It must also be noted that as per our agreement, you are required to return the amount within a time period of ________ starting from ________ to _______.

    We look forward to a fruitful business endeavor with you.

    Yours Truly,

    (Creditor’s Name)
    (Company’s Name)

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