How to Write Emails that Get an Immediate Response

Most of the time people complain that their emails never get noticed and the other party do not even bother to respond. Well, I don’t blame the recipient as almost everyone is very busy that it is really hard to spare time to read and respond every message.

So you will have to knock in a way that forces other party to reply. Here comes the question how somebody can lock the attention of same person by using the similar medium of communication. The answer is one can do that by following some basic and simple rules.

You can raise the chances of getting your email read and even responded by using few simple but effective techniques.


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    Remember you do not have enough time to grab the recipient’s attention so you should make your email notable by using receiver’s first name in the subject. They will not be able to resist the temptation of checking your email after seeing their name.

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    The way you start conversation is very important as most of the people decide in just few seconds that they should read further or not. The best method to keep them involved is to address them directly. Insert their name in the opening sentence and then briefly give your introduction. Do not drag the opening and let other party know the basic purpose of your email.

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    Use simple language and make it more pleasing for the eyes by arranging your sentences properly. You will lose their concentration if your email is packed just with the information or facts and figures. Avoid long and boring paragraphs rather make it a conversation by asking small and to the point questions.

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    Try to establish a personal connection by mentioning some unique things about your receiver’s personality. It can be anything like an incident, a statement or some other person’s views about your addressee.

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    Avoid using dumb email address for correspondence as no one will give you importance and simply delete your mail. Try to be genuine and use the email address that tells something about you at least use your real name.

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    Show some gratitude for their time and ask them for a response. It is the best way to end your email as it gives good impression about you and the other party will respond even if they are not interested.

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    Do mention that you will use other ways of communication if there is no response from them.

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