How to Write Exquisite Subheads

A different number of techniques are applied in almost all writings to attract more attention of a reader and also to keep him abreast with the ideas that the writing is attempting to convey. For examples, newspapers try to incorporate all possible styles to help their readers get informed about an event or happening by spending a minimum time. A businessman for example does not have time to read all pages of a newspaper, a blog or another writing time. They just have a glimpse of front pages and want to be aware of all the latest news of that day.

Headlines, opening paragraphs or intros, and then subheads are all meant to facilitate reader to get a grasp of the entire writing and ideas conveyed in it. Subheads are particularly very effective in conveying ideas in a writing piece, in print or online, to a reader with a minimum effort. This is also a good way to express and convey your all ideas to your potential audience. Subheads are not just restricted to a newspaper, books, blogs but are spread to almost all writing styles. It makes writing pieces more fit in the competitive reading environment, and in this age of mass communication.


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    Express Complete Idea

    The subheads are not just meant to divide a writing piece into many so that a reader may find it easier to read, but a subhead should convey and clearly convey a complete idea. It must convey what a reader should expect to read and understand in the paragraph that follows. Use of subheads just to increase length of writing pages or make it look more catchy is not useful at all.

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    Continuation of Speech/Action

    A subhead should not be a standalone line, but should be continuation of the same speech or action that you as a writer are trying to convey to your readers. Consider a between with an idea that you have just presented above. If you are conveying benefits of something, they should continue with a subhead for another benefit or even a greater benefit. A standalone subhead will break coherence of your writing and readers will be lost, and less interested to continue reading the piece.

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    Plan Subheads in Advance

    As you may sometimes start defining your writing piece with a headline first, you can also think of subheads based on the number of ideas you are planning to convey in the piece. Planning in advance about the subheads will also help you approach your writing more systematically.

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