How to Write a Medical School Acceptance Letter

Medical school receive thousands of applications each year to admit students who fulfill their admission criteria. The medical application process has many steps that the candidates pass through and afterwards the school discloses its decision. Usually processing applications is a long and hectic process at the end of which the schools issues an acceptance letter to those students who are surely admitted. Also the school expects the students to respond to the letter about their intent before the stated deadline. It’s a sort of offer that shows that the school has admitted the candidate and now it’s on the student part to pursue it further. So the acceptance letter should show all these expression in a clear and concise manner.

Follow the steps to know how to write a medical school acceptance letter.


  • 1


    The medical school acceptance letter should have a letterhead of the medical school on the top of it. Following information must be present on the letterhead.

    Medical School Name


    Phone Number



  • 2

    Starting the letter:

    The letter starts with the sender’s information at the top left hand side with the sender’s name at the beginning followed by the name of the sender's department of the medical school.

    Sender’s Name

    Name of the Department

    Sender’s Phone Number

    Sender’s Email

  • 3


    Write the date at which the letter is written to the candidate and this should be next to the sender’s information after a spacing of one line. The format for date is dd/mm/yy.

  • 4

    Recipient’s Information:

    Next, write the recipient’s information along with the name, address and contact details after a spacing of one line.

    Recipient’s Name

    Recipient’s Address

    Recipient’s City, State, Zip Code

    Recipient’s Contact details

  • 5


    Now after a space of one line greet the receiver by writing ‘Dear’ and this is followed by honorific along with the last name of the recipient.

    Dear Mr./Ms. Joe

  • 6

    Body of the Letter:

    This is a good news letter consequently the opening sentence of the letter should appreciate the recipient. Also it is recommended to use active voice and your tone should be direct. Try to be short and to the point but at the same time write each and every detail and make sure you haven't left out any information.

    Also mention how sooner the candidate has to respond to your letter before its too late to be considered with last date mentioned and also give reference to your contact details in case of any queries. Be thankful in the end and close it with best wishes.

  • 7


    After a space of one line close the letter with ‘yours sincerely’ and give a space of 4 lines after that so that the sender can sign with ease. After the signature type the name of the sender.

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    Sample Medical School Acceptance Letter:

    London Medical School                                                                                                                 4th Avenue                                                                                                                                   London                                                                                                                                 Ph:606-889624-23                                                                                                                         Fax:606-889625

    Philip Joe                                                                                                                           Assistant Director                                                                                                             Admissions Department                                                                                                               ph:606-8824994


    James Adam                                                                                                                               1- 14 longway Apartments, 670070,                                                                                       London

    Dear Mr. Adam,

    We're pleased to inform you that your application regarding admission in medical department of London Medical School has been accepted. It is therefore important to note that the last date for sending us the confirmation letter is 15/06/2012. You are therefore requested to confirm your availability as soon as possible.

    Also note that the first semester fee is ₤1,485 and last date for depositing the fee is 6/06/2012 after which you will be charged an extra amount of ₤500.

    For any queries, feel free to contact our representatives on the aforementioned numbers between 9 am to 5 pm from Monday through Saturday.

    We wish you all the best in your studies!

    Thanks & Regards,

    Yours sincerely


    Philip Joe

  • 9

    Template Medical School Acceptance Letter:

    (Name of the Sender)                                                                                                                   (Designation)                                                                                                                                     (Name of the Department)                                                                                                     (Name of the University)

    Date: __// __//__

    (Recipient’s Name)                                                                                                           (Recipient’s Address)                                                                                                                     (Zip Code)

    Dear Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. (Last Name),

    We are pleased to inform you that your application regarding admission in ______ department of _________ has been accepted. It is therefore  important to note that the last date for sending us the confirmation letter is __  __ __. You are therefore requested to confirm your availability as soon as  possible.

    Also note that the first semester fee is _______ and last date for depositing  the fee is __ __ __ after which you will be charged an extra amount of ____.

    For any queries feel free to contact us on the aforementioned numbers  between __ am to __ pm from ____ through ____

    We wish you best of luck in your studies!

    Thanks & Regards

    Yours sincerely


    (Name of the Sender)

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