How to Write a Resignation Acceptance Letter

Your employees might resign from a specific job held within your organization for many reasons. It could be that they have been offered a better position than the current one or may be due some personal reasons. Once they decide to leave the job, they provide you with a formal job resignation letter. Now, it is the responsibility of the company to accept their resignation letter in return and inform them through a resignation acceptance letter. It is always better to keep a proper format of the official resignation acceptance letter.


  • 1

    Write your (sender /company) contact information at the left top corner of the page.

    (Your Name)
    (Your Designation)
    (Company’s Name)
    (Company’s Address)
    (Company’s City, State, Zip code)
    (Company’s Phone Number)

  • 2

    Once you write your contact information, leave one line, and write the exact date of writing the resignation acceptance letter.

  • 3

    Again, leave one line below the date and write complete contact information of the employee who wants to resign from your organization.

    (Resigning Employee’s Name)
    (Resigning Employee’s Designation)
    (Resigning Employee’s Address)
    (City, State, Zip code)

  • 4

    Now, write a salutation along with the second name of the employee, addressing him or her by their surname. Like, “Dear MR. /Ms. / Mrs. XYZ.”

  • 5

    First Paragraph

    Keep the introductory paragraph of your resignation acceptance letter simple and to the point, describing the purpose of the letter clearly. You can mention that you have accepted their resignation letter by referring the exact date.

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    Second Paragraph

    Now, talk about the status of their job resignation letter. Make sure to state the name of the concerned person in your Human Resource Management Department whom he or she will meet prior to the end of their employment. It is better to let them know about the date and timings of the meeting with HR department.

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    Third Paragraph

    Acknowledge the contribution of the resigning employee in the third paragraph of the letter. Keep your heart open in the last paragraph of the letter and wish him or her best of luck in his or her new endeavor. In addition to that, it is better to let your ex-employee know that you will be available for any kind of reference in future.

  • 8

    Write a closing salutation like “Yours Faithfully,” “Yours Sincerely,” and “Your Truly” etc.

  • 9

    Now, sign your hand written name right below the closing salutation and write typed name just below it.

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    Sample Resignation Acceptance Letter

    David Roger
    HR Manager
    Square Furnishers Limited
    87 West Street, Apt. 09
    Syracuse, NY 23787
    (456) 456-23478

    September 22, 2008

    Roma Clare
    Assistant Finance Manager
    345 Downey Street
    Syracuse, NY 23787

    Dear Ms. Clare

    Your resignation from the position of assistant finance manager has been formally accepted by the organization and you will be relieved of your responsibilities on September 25, 2008, as requested.

    Your resignation letter has been sent to the HR department for calculating any kind of dues. You can clear other exit policies before the last working day with Square Furnishers Limited.

    I would like to thank you on behalf of the Square Furnishers Limited for all your positive contributions in the success of the company. The company really acknowledges the work you have done in your capacity during your employment tenure with us. If I can provide any kind of reference in future, please do not hesitate at all. We wish you a bright future ahead.


    David Roger

  • 11

    Template Resignation Acceptance Letter

    (Your Name)
    (Your Designation)
    (Company Name)
    (Company’s Address)
    (Company’s Contact Number)


    (Resigning Employee’s Name)
    (Resigning Employee’s Designation)
    (Resigning Employee’s  Address)
    (City, State, Zip code)

    Dear Ms. (Second Name of Resigning Employee)

    Your resignation from the position of (Resigning Employee’s Designation) has been formally accepted by the organization and you will be relieved of your responsibilities (Last Working Day of the Resigning Employee), as requested.

    Your resignation letter has been sent to the (Name of Concerned Department) for calculating any kind of dues. You can clear other exit policies before the last working day with (Name of Your Company).

    I would like to thank you on behalf of the (Name of Your Company) for all your positive contributions in the success of the company. The company really acknowledges the work you have done in your capacity during your employment tenure with us. If we can provide any kind of reference in future, please do not hesitate at all. We wish you a bright future ahead.


    (Your Handwritten Signature)

    (Your Typed Name)

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