Retirement Acceptance Letter

When an organization accepts their employee’s application for retirement, they write a Retirement Acceptance Letter in response. This letter is written as not only an acceptance of the retirement but also to show some honor, dignity and regard to the person acquiring retirement. Besides, it also shows how much the retiring person was important to the organization and how much he/she has contributed for the development of the company.

The letter also highlights the remarkable qualities, skills and the character the individual carried throughout his or her tenure. The tone of the letter should be soft and polite, sharing personal working experience with the retiring person. Hence, the letter should make the reader feel honored for being part of the organization.

Scroll down and learn how to write a retirement acceptance letter.

Tips to write a Retirement Acceptance Letter

  • Keep a formal and professional tone
  • Write in detail about anything you would like to know


  • 1

    Sample Retirement Acceptance Letter

    Michael William
    Chief Executive Officer
    Shell Gas Corporation
    1412 East Bridge Street
    Redwood Falls, MN
    (507) 644-6888

    April 04, 2012

    Harry James
    Chief Engineer,
    Shell Gas Corporation
    3388 Oakdale Avenue North
    Robbinsdale, MN
    (763) 522-7878

    Dear James,

    We recently received your retirement letter submitted on 25th March 2012, where you have requested that you will be retiring from the Shell Gas Corporation as the Chief Engineer. This letter is to formally accept your retirement, that too with a heavy heart.

    Since Shell offers a retirement package, it is to inform you that you will be receiving your salary and other associated benefits till your last date of employment. Besides, you are also entitled to receive number of other services and benefits after your retirement.

    The Shell Family would like to thank you for your services throughout these 15 years. We appreciate your valuable contribution for the company’s development thus wishing you all the best in future.

    Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you to enjoy a happy retired personal life.

    Yours Truly,

    Michael William


  • 2

    Template of Retirement Acceptance Letter

    (Your / Sender Name)
    (Your / Sender Designation)
    (Your / Sender Company Name)
    (Your / Sender Company’s Address)
    (City & Zip Code)
    (Your / Sender Phone Number)
    (Your / Sender Email Address)


    (Retiring Employee’s Name)
    (Retiring Employee’s Designation)
    (Company’s Name)
    (Company’s Address)
    (City & Zip Code)
    (Retiring Employee’s Phone)
    (Retiring Employee’s Email Address)


    We have received your retirement letter submitted on (MENTION THE DATE OF SUBMISSION OF RETIREMENT REQUEST) in which you have requested for a retirement from the position of (MENTION THE POSITION OF THE RETIRING EMPLOYEE) with the (MENTION THE NAME OF THE COMPANY). This letter is to inform you that the corporation with a heavy heart has accepted your retirement. However, you will be receiving your salary and other associated benefits until your last date of employment. Besides, you are also entitled to receive number of other services and benefits after retirement.

    It is worth mentioning here that, your experience and expertise always helped the company in coping up with critical situations. You have been looking into every aspect of (MENTION THE DEPARTMENT OF THE RETIRING EMPLOYEE) for the last (MENTION THE RETIRING EMPLOYEE’S WORKING YEARS WITH THE COMPANY). We all at (MENTION THE NAME OF THE COMPANY) thank you from the depth of our hearts for your guidance and cooperation. We appreciate your valuable contribution for the company’s development thus wishing you all the best in future.

    Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you to enjoy a happy retired personal life.

    Yours Truly,



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