How to Write Theatre Dissertation

Theater a s a topic for writing a dissertation is consider to be a very interesting and thrilling theme and no doubt it is but before starting your work you will have keep in mind two things first is to remain creative and second is to have full understanding of the key concepts, because if you have confidence in yourself you will be successful is producing a splendid written piece. Although creativity is the core element of a theater dissertation still you have to keep in mind other various factors as well. the best way to make sure that you have written a perfect dissertation is before writing your own go through several other theater dissertations which will guide you how to start what kind of information should be mentioned or emphasized.


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    Meeting with the committee members

    Your theater department will conduct a meeting in which the committee members or the board will introduce you to the entire procedure of theater dissertation. Form the search of topic and proposal writing till the submission of the dissertation you will be provided with the dates and the timings in which the work has to be submitted.

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    Topic selection

    The first thing which will be asked to do is to decide an appropriate matter subject or theme for you theater dissertation. Start searching right away and look for a unique and distinctive topic to write on. In urge to come up with a very unique idea do not ignore the fact that you might find huge difficulty is searching material for your topic so decide a suitable topic that is according to your interest and you can easily gather immense data over it. While looking for a topic go through previous theater dissertation they can be very helpful. You can find the copies of those dissertations in your institute’s library. You can choose suitable topic for your theater dissertation by taking an idea from the themes mentioned below:

    Movie theatre
    Musical theatre
    London theatre
    Community theatre
    Broadway theatre
    New Idea theatre

    These topics will definitely help you in deciding a topic for your dissertation. Every topic has its own value and importance whether it’s a movie theater, music community or any other. If you choose Movie Theater you can mention the variations and advancement brought in this specific era over the years and how massively it has grown.  If your choice is music theater than you can start of by telling that the first ever entertainment before movie was music theater which gave other theaters a chance to come into being. There are hundreds of musical dissertations available go through the well known ones and select any unique point, whether its history present or future. Another magnificent idea is to come up with one of your own idea what sort of theater can you introduce which has not been decided yet aor experienced by any one. Mention how can it be different from the present ones and in wahta manner will it benefit the theater industry.

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    Discussion of the topic

    After the selection of your topic do not forget to discuss it with you professor or a reliable source because then you will be asked to make a proposal and if for some reason  your proposal gets rejected, your precious time will be wasted besides that your degree will also get late. To avoid such hassle the best idea is to discuss your ideas with your supervisor.

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    Proposal is a very important aspect in the entire procedure because it depends upon the quality of your proposal that you will be permitted to continue your dissertation or think of something else. You proposal is a documented form of your ideas plans and thoughts so it better be a good and impressive one. You can get to know the perfect structure of proposal form How to write a Dissertation Proposal.

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    Gathering raw data

    After approval of your theater dissertation proposal start your work from the very first day, because in a dissertation you will require massive time span for research and if your research is good you will be able to attain a good quality data to create a perfect theater dissertation. For a theater dissertation the best way is to choose qualitative research technique and look for information form internet, libraries, and previous theater dissertations. Try visiting well known theaters if it is possible for you and look for related information and important data. Try saving any sort of information you get to know and the best way is to have a digital cam as well as a laptop so that you can secure your collected data.

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    Assembling data

    After collecting the required information start assembling it. In a proper ode place everything and reread every data several times to avoid any sort of mistakes. To make your dissertation more attractive and appealing insert images and interesting incidents and mention them in bold letters because theater is a part of arts and creativeness so your dissertation should portray all this.

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    Documenting the assembled data

    After assembling the data the time comes when you have to transform it into a report. The exact structure of the report is mentioned in the steps below. Try keeping the structure in the exact manner because any sort of minor mistake and wrong order of page will affect your grades and marks.

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    Title page

    The interesting topic has already been selected so on the title page along with the topic, your name, id number, department name and your supervisor’s name should be available.

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    Table Content

    The table of content comes in the beginning of the report but it is created in the end because in this portion you have to mention the page numbers on which what sort of information is present besides that you also have to mention the images, charts and the shapes inserted in the document.

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    For the expression of gratitude you will have to mention all those names who helped you in completing you dissertation because for an architecture dissertation you will require help from professors and professional architectures.

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    In abstract you will have to summarize your entire dissertation which will include such points and aspect that makes your dissertation distinctive form the others dissertations.

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    Introduction has so much importance because it has the power to force reader to get them involved in the dissertations because you will be providing research questions and end it with a clear hypothesis. Introduction is basically the road map of what you have done and where you have started from.

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    Now you will have to continue your work by covering your research and mentioning everything one by one. Whenever the nature of your discussion changes start from a new chapter do not forget to mention the quotations and sayings in bold letters.

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    Meeting with supervisors

    You will be given a specified time in which you will be allowed to have meetings with your supervisor, now it is up to you whether you wish to utilize that time in the beginning, middle or in the end.

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    After completing your dissertation, and you have successfully achieved the expected results than write the summary of your dissertation.

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    This portion will contain the outcomes and the result of the dissertation and do not forget to mention that whether the expected result has been attained or not.

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    Mention the sources and the references you have used in order to complete the dissertation.

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