How to Write a University Acceptance Letter

University Acceptance Letter is a formal letter by the admission committee of the university in order to inform the specific student about his or her admission in the institution. Make sure to be much focused while writing university acceptance letter and provide to the point and relevant information to the student. Do not forget that this letter is your excellent opportunity to create a good impression about the university. Therefore, make sure to use you best vocabulary and write the letter very professionally. Proofread the university acceptance letter carefully in order to correct the errors in grammar or punctuation. Make sure not to overwhelm your sentences with pretentious or jargon words. Go through this simple guide to get an idea how to write a university acceptance letter. Additionally, this letter contains the sample and template of the university acceptance letter in order to give you a clear idea of the letter. The template of the university is ready to use, as you just have to edit it according to your situation and submit it.
Set the page
First, set the page at standard format, leaving one-inch margins. Now, adjust the type at single-spaced and aligned left. Set the typeface also. Times New Roman is appreciated to write formal letter to give them professional look; otherwise you can consider others including Garamond, Arial etc.
Sender’s Contact Information
Now start writing the letter by typing your (sender’s) contact information at the left top corner of the page. Write your full name at the top followed by your designation, Name of University, Address of University, city, state, zip code, phone number, and your (sender’s) email address. -
Date of university acceptance letter
Skip a space and type the date of the university acceptance letter. -
Recipient’s Contact Information
Skip another space and type in the name of the student (recipient). Write his or her name followed by address, city, state, and zip code. You might be thinking that from where you can get the information of the student. For this purpose, you have to go through the admission form of the student. -
Add Salutation
Leave one-enter space and add salutation followed by the second name of the recipient (student). You can write salutation like “Dear Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. (Second name of the recipient).” -
Introductory paragraph
Try to be very specific in the introductory paragraph of the university acceptance letter. Begin the letter by stating that you accept the admission of the student in the specific program in your university. -
Second Paragraph
In the following paragraph, make sure to appreciate the performance of the student in the entry test and interview in order to encourage him or her. In addition to that, write few lines about the university, highlighting the facilities that you offer. -
Third paragraph
Let the student know about the orientation day and the admission procedure in the third paragraph of the letter. You can state the requirement for further steps of admission along with the installment amount and due date of fee. -
Closing Salutation
Conclude the university acceptance letter with a closing salutation like “Sincerely yours,” “Wishing you all the best,” “Yours Truly,” “Best regards,” “Sincerely” etc. -
Sender's Handwritten Signature
Leave three-line space below closing salutation for the purpose of your handwritten signature. -
Sender’s Typed Name
Type your full name right below your handwritten signature. -
Print university admission letter and sign it
Now take a print of the admission acceptance letter on a good quality page and sign your handwritten signature in the space in between closing salutation and your typed name. Make sure to use either blue or black ink for signature as red is not appreciated at all. -
University Acceptance Letter Sample
Lilly James
Admission Officer
Bright Future University
32-A North-South Street
Happy Valley, PA 12345
September 12, 1987
Heidi Bosh
123 Hill View Apartments
Sharon, PA 45678
Dear Mr. Bosh
On behalf of the Bright Future University, I would like to congratulate you as you have been accepted for admission into our university.
You have successfully passed our entry test and your communication skills were wonderful in the interview session. In fact, you were among the top performers during the entrance examination and we are pleased to have a brilliant student like you in the next batch of our university. We are sure that you will find that the university is an excellent venue for learning as advanced teaching facilities and highly competitive teaching faculty are one among our top priorities.
Please make sure to submit your original document along with the first installment of $ 500 before September 18, 1987 in order to fulfill the requirements we need for new students. Your presence in the orientation day on September 20, 1987 is necessary in order to get idea of the policies of the university.
Feel free to call us at 0022-127836372 or email at, if you have any more questions before the orientation.
Wishing you all the very best,
Lilly James -
University Acceptance Letter Template
(Your/Sender Name)
(Your/ Sender Designation)
(Name of University)
(Address of University)
(City, State, Zip code)
(Your/Sender Phone Number)
(Your/Sender Email Address)
(Date of University Acceptance letter)
(Recipient /Student Name)
(Recipient /Student Address)
(City, State, Zip code)
Dear Mr./ Ms. /Mrs. (Second Name of the Recipient)
On behalf of the (Insert the name of the university), I would like to congratulate that you have been accepted for admission into our university.
You have successfully passed (enter the test and interview details). (Add if there was something special about the candidate observed) and we are pleased to have a brilliant student like you in the next batch of our university. We are sure that you will find that the university is an excellent venue for learning as advanced teaching facilities and highly competitive teaching faculty are one among our top priorities.
Please make sure to submit your original document along with the first installment of (amount of fee) before (last date of fee submission) in order to fulfill the requirements we need for new students. You presence in the orientation day on (Date of orientation day) is necessary in order to get idea of the policies of the university.
Feel free to call us at (write the phone number of the university), if you have any more questions before the orientation.
Wishing you all the very best,
(Your /Sender Handwritten Signature)
(Your /Sender Typed Name)