Vendor Acceptance Letter

This letter simply states the acceptance by one company of another company as its vendor. The accepted vendor can be a supplier of certain goods and services that are required by the company.
Once a company looking for vendor is satisfied by the products and services that vendor is offering and the market repute of the vendor, it is formally required to send a letter of acceptance. It is important for the letter to be written in a professional way.
If you don’t know how to write a vendor acceptance letter, scroll down and see the template and sample in order to understand the format of the letter.
Tips to write a Vendor Acceptance Letter
- Be thankful
- Write down the necessary details
- Try to maintain a formal and professional tone
Sample of Vendor Acceptance Letter
Michael William
Executive Director
TBC Marketing Group
200 Lincoln Ave
Salinas, CA 93901
Date: 23-06-2012
John Edwards
Chief Executive
Ready Made Suppliers
65 West Alisal St., # 101
Salinas, CA 93901
Subject: Acceptance as new vendor
Dear Mr. Edwards,
This is to inform you that we have chosen your company, M/S Ready Made Suppliers as our new vendors for the upcoming project. You will now be partnering up with us until the new project comes to an end, which is expected sometime by the end of this year.
You are also requested to submit a complete profile of your company to our head office at the earliest. Once you have received the work, you are expected to deliver the goods on a daily basis. In case you are unable to provide us with goods on time, your contract can be terminated.
We look forward to work with you in the future!
Yours Faithfully,
Michael William
Executive Director
TBC Marketing Group
Template of Vendor Acceptance Letter
[Sender’s Name]
[Sender’s Street Address]
[City, STREET & ZIP Code]
Date: __/__/____
[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, STREET & ZIP Code]
Dear Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. (LAST NAME),
We are pleased to inform you that we have chosen you for _________________. You shall now be working with us as ______________.
You are requested to submit ___________________ latest by ______________ in order to proceed. Please, be informed that _____________ may cause an immediate termination of this contract.
We are looking forward to work with you in long term.
Yours Sincerely,
(Name of the Company)