Ideas for a Kids 1st Birthday

So you have entered another phase of life by becoming a parent, needless to say it was something new for the two of you and even before you could realise it, first twelve months of it have already flown away. Commemorating the day to express and reflect all the happiness and bliss that the year’s journey has brought to your life, you want the day to be breathtaking.
Keeping things simple and sweet so that the baby does not get cranky or grumpy is practically past now as this generation gets to unlock an iphone just through their visual memory. Their learning pace is way more remarkable than the adults, however, they are short on their concentration span.
Down a few years, the memories of the day will be cherished more by your child than you. You have just spent the best year of your lives and now you want to sum that up in a day that should not become a far off call in comparison to the year.
Some steps that will serve the cause are as follows.
In case you have attended a year-old’s birthday party before then that can really contribute. Recalling the experience will remind you of the loop holes which you would want to avoid. List those down.
Decide the duration and the timing of the party. The ideal would be from an hour to maximum two. A year-old is highly likely to get grumpy if he is to be the centre of attention for long. The timing in between his two morning or afternoon naps, will just be ideal. He will be fresh at the beginning and then will sleep the effort off.
Populating the guest list and then scaling it down is going to reduce the stress. Pick out the relatives and friends who have babies and toddlers of their own, but even there you will have to keep a count as with babies around it does not become the more the merrier, it’s the more the miserable.
With your year-old already using iphone apps, why do you want the rest of the family deprived of the celebration, get them on Skype. That way they will be able to see all and wish the baby while cutting the cake too.
The easiest part is food because you would hardly need any. The toddlers would not be bothered and the adults are there for only a little more than an hour. Grab some finger food for the table.
Pack some baby friendly tokens for the guests that you had over. Ask your guests to bring back the invites on the birthday and before they leave tell them to leave a note for your kid. This way you will have memories of those you invited and the kid will get to relive it through the messages on the invites.