Ideas For April Fool Tricks

First April, April Fools’ Day, calls for the best use of your creativity and imagination. If you have a good sense of humor, you can have great fun on April 1. It is a day to play small and smart pranks for your own and others’ amusement. Each year on 1 April, people get up praying they do not make a fool out of themselves and remain cautious, looking for signs of treachery among their friends. People invent up shocking news, give wrong information and play silly games to shout out in the end “April fool” in your face.


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    Set a date with your friend

    Take advantage of your sweet voice and set a date with your friends at their expense. What you have to do is, pick up your phone, dial any of your friend’s contact number, and speak in a sweet voice like a pretty and attractive girl or a gentleman. Make a good impression by praising him or her and ask them for a date at some of the romantic place of your area.

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    Copy celebrity voice

    You can also play a prank on family, friends, or colleagues in a celebrity voice by pretending that you have called a wrong number.

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    Surprise your loved ones

    Call you friends, coworkers or family member and surprise them that he or she has won gift hampers, mobile balance, or lottery etc.

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    What is that in your newspaper?

    If you have a good sense of humor and are looking for a bit of light-hearted, harmless fun on 1 April, then call someone early in the morning and let him or her know that there is a picture of him or her in the front page of newspaper.

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    Present a nice gift

    Take an empty shoe box and fill it with papers, fruits or anything else of no use. Wrap the shoe box with a nice wrapping sheet, write you name at the top of it and present it to your friend.

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    Enhance the quality of your cardboard milk

    If your mom buys milk in a cardboard, then you can simply add in few drops of food coloring to it. It is a harmless activity but its results are hilarious!

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    April Shower

    Get one or two rubber bands and put them around the handle of your washroom’s sink with a sprayer. Now, point the nozzle of the sink upward and outward to set it in a spray-mode. Wait to have fun when someone comes in and get a sudden splash.

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    Simple sick joke

    Grab a water bottle and fill it with hot water. Now, add some blended leftovers, watercolors, or even pea soup to it. Stir it with a plastic spoon until mix thoroughly. Now, cover the lid properly and keep the bottle hidden under your shirt. Gradually make a trip to the cafeteria of your school, college, or university. Make a sudden announcement to grab everyone’s attention. Now, when everyone in the café are looking into you, bend over the table and squeeze the bottle to pew out all over the table like you've just thrown up. It is fun.

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