Instructions for International Relations Dissertation

Writing a dissertation on the field of International Relations in not that difficult as it seems because this field contains variety of topics, from which you can easily select the appropriate one. The method of a dissertation some way or the other is the same, but the nature of information required is different, in accordance to the specific theme. The main thing which is required in a dissertation is the interest in the selected matter. If the level of interest is low you will not be able to create a perfect dissertation. The steps mentioned below to write a proper dissertation on International relations will help you in producing a master piece.
Before you initiate your thesis, select an appropriate theme or matter, which you think will help in producing an outclass piece or in which you acquire great sum of interest. The topic could be anything related to the present, past or future situation. You can take help from newspapers internet and magazines to decide which sort of topic will be appropriate. For your ease you can also choose any suitable subject matter from the list given below:
Human rights
Organized crime
State sovereignty
Ecological sustainability
Nuclear proliferation
Economic development
Foreign interventionism -
After selecting a topic you will have to prepare a proposal. Proposal is basically a written form of your offer or your ideas to the committee. Proposal is considered to be the most important aspect in the entire procedure of dissertation because it makes a bridge between the existing work and your work.
You have to mention the plan or the work you wish to show in future along with the benefits and scope of your project. It actually contains the detail information related to the selected topic that in what perspective it is distinctive from rest of the dissertation, what kind of study is required and how will you study.
If the chosen topics have already been covered, then mention what sort of modifications your research will bring in. Try submitting the proposal on time and wait for the approval.
Collection of raw data
When your proposal has been approved start your work, by gathering information. Now try using both research techniques qualitative as well as quantitative, but if you are told to select one technique then select the qualitative technique because in international relation qualitative technique will help you a lot. Start collecting raw data from various means, newspapers, authentic websites and libraries. Try reading case studies and make use of your personal relations as well, because in international relations you can collect numerous amount of information through discussions. There are several international relations journals available on internet which can help you out. Few are mentioned below:
Emerald Insight Website
Atlas Network Website
Sage Journal Website
Columbia Edu Website -
Assigning time to tasks
While gathering information divide the given time, and assign each task the specific amount of time. This will help you in completing your work before or on time.
Write an abstract which contains 100-350 words. This portion contains brief summary of the dissertation and why the specific theme has been chosen along with the major information related to its background.
Now comes the introduction portion, in which you will have to introduce your project and the changes you will bring in, besides that do not go into detail and mention few relevant points related to your selected theme. Introduction portion is also very important because a good intro has the tendency to engage readers.
After completing the introduction portion continue with the rest of the work. The dissertation is related to international relations, so you can use huge numbers of quotations and saying, but do keep one thing in mind you are not allowed to target a specific religion or any sort of political party because it will negatively impact your project.
When you start with a new story or discussion in the dissertation, name it with a new chapter so that the reader finds it easy to go through your project.
International relation is an interesting selection of dissertation because half of the portion is based on real life stories and rest of the portion contains your own point of views because all it takes is common sense.
Meetings with supervisors
You will be assigned specific amount of time in which you can have meetings with a professor, under whose supervision your project has been assigned. Different institute have different time so it is up to you whether you want to utilize that time in the middle of the project or in the introduction period.
After completing your research and adding the relevant information, write the summary. Summary actually contains the work you have done in your project.
The last but not the least comes the conclusion portion, in which you will mention the outcomes of your project and the results.
Do mention the references and the sources you have used in order to prepare your international relations dissertation.