Insurance Cancellation Letter

Do you have any idea that you have an option to cancel your current insurance policy, rather than waiting for it to end before you find a better one? If you find a better Insurance package, you definitely have the option to ask your current insurance company to cancel your insurance account and refund the remaining premium.

Before you write an Insurance Cancellation Letter, make sure you thoroughly read the policy to check if there are any provisions regarding the whole process. The policy may contain the notice period and the department name where you should address the letter.

Learn how to write an insurance cancellation letter with our step by step guide.

Tips to write Insurance Cancellation Letter

  • Be concise
  • Maintain a formal and professional tone
  • Be mindful of grammar and spelling mistakes


  • 1

    Sample Insurance Cancellation Letter:

    January 11, 2013

    Harry Morison
    Cancellation Department
    ABC Insurance Company
    722 First Avenue
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Subject: Policy Number: #223344 Cancellation.

    Please consider this letter as the formal request to cancel the above mentioned insurance policy that I hold with your company. I want the policy to be effectively cancelled on February 12, 2013. It is requested that send me the premium balance to my address mentioned in the policy. Also, please not that I no longer authorise your company to draw any further premiums from my bank account.

    I would appreciate if you send me a written confirmation about the cancellation of the insurance policy within one month (30 days). If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at my phone number mentioned below. Moreover, if you require any further paperwork, do let me know before the cancellation date I mentioned above.

    I am looking forward to a quick response from your side.



    Tim Heron
    501 First Avenue
    Sunnyvale, CA

  • 2

    Template Insurance Cancellation Letter:


    [Addressee/Recipient Name]
    [Addressee Designation]
    [Department Name]
    [Name of Insurance Company]
    [Company Address 1]
    [Company Address 2]

    Subject: Policy Number: #[Policy Number] Cancellation

    I am sending you this letter as a formal notice to request the cancellation of my insurance policy, with number [Policy Number]. I want the policy to be cancelled effective from [Insert Date]. I would like you to send me the formal cancellation confirmation letter within [Number of Days] days of this letter.

    In addition to that, please send me the remaining unused premium to my mailing address. Also, I no more authorize you to use my account to charge my monthly instalments of the premium.

    Your immediate response in this regard will highly be appreciated.


    [Applicant’s Signature]

    [Name of Applicant]
    [Applicant Address 1]
    [Applicant Address 2]
    [Applicant Phone Number]

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