Interview Rejection Email

People who seek jobs often come across rejection during the short listing as well as after going through the interview process. It is not fun to be rejected but it is a part of the search process and one has to accept that such bitter experiences will happen.
It is not the easiest thing to let someone know that they have been rejected and perhaps sending an email is not a bad idea. It is an official means of communication and you do not need to talk in person. Remember to always be polite and sensitive when writing an interview rejection email. Keep a professional tone but also include words of encouragement to the candidate.
Start off the email by thanking the candidate for taking interest in the job and interviewing for it. Let them know that they were unable to make the final cut.
In the second paragraph, explain your company’s policies and how the whole employment procedure works. Conclude by wishing the candidate good luck for their future endeavours.
Sample Interview Rejection Email:
Subject: Interview Rejection Email
Dear Manny,
Thank you for your interest and interview in the position of systems engineer in our organisation. We will like to inform you that unfortunately, you were not selected because of your experience not being as per our requirements.
Justtech Systems is an equal opportunity employer and there is no discrimination of any kind as we only make appointment on the basis of merit. You can apply for other positions in the organisations any time a job is posted as there is no waiting period.
We wish you luck for your future and hope that you have a successful career in the field of information technology.
Sammy Walters
HR Manager
Justtech Systems -
Interview Rejection Email Template
To: [Candidate’s Email Address]
Subject: [Subject of email]
Dear [Applicant’s Name],
We appreciate your interest in [Job position] with [company’s name]. Unfortunately, we will like to inform you that the position has been filled as we have found the suitable candidate.
[Name of company] is an equal opportunity employer and there is no discrimination of any kind. All decisions are made by an expert panel that decides on the basis of company needs. You can apply for other positions with us after 30 days period as your resume will be on file.
We hope that you have a long and successful career.
[Name of Sender]
[Company Name]