Letter for Rejecting a Job Candidate

Being rejected by a prospective employer is the most sensitive step to be handled by any candidate. This requires the employer to be more polite, realistic and sympathetic in language used to explain rejection through a letter or email.

It is better to start letter with appreciating the candidate for having taken out time to apply for the job and showing interest in your organization. Also if possible, mention a line that you were impressed with the profile of the candidate.

You should explain the candidate in next paragraph that given the higher number of applications you received, you found candidates with more relevant qualification and experience. You therefore gave preference to them.

At the end tell the candidate that you have kept his/her resume for consideration of a similar role in the future. Also, wish the candidate good luck in the job search endeavours.

Close the letter with salutation.


  • 1

    Sample of Candidate Rejection Letter

    Thomas J. Wilson
    Head of Marketing
    Wilson & Sons, Inc.
    7 Upton Park Street
    City Road, London
    1KR, CE2

    January 23, 2013

    Mr Chris Johnson
    2 Currievale Park
    United Kingdom
    E14 5TJ

    Dear Mr. Johnson

    Thank you very much for showing your interest in our organisation, and taking out time to apply for the Marketing Executive job.

    We strongly value your qualification and experience, and were genuinely impressed by your profile.

    We are sorry to state that your application has not been successful this time. We received a large number of applications and some of the candidates have more relevant qualification and experience.

    We nevertheless are keeping your profile in our data base and will contact you as soon as another suitable position arises in the future.

    In the meantime we wish you all the best in your job search endeavours. Thank you again for your application.

    Kind Regards

    Thomas J. Wilson

  • 2

    Template for Candidate Rejection Letter

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]
    [Your City, State, Zip Code}
    [Your Phone Number]
    [Your Email Address]

    Date: __/__/____

    [Recipient Name]
    (Recipient Designation]
    [Company Name]
    [Company Address]

    Dear Mr. /Ms. (Last Name of Recipient)

    Please accepted our due apologies for delay in getting back to you. We value your time and patience and also for showing interest in our organization.

    We were genuinely impressed with your profile, your qualification and experience. However, we have received some of candidates who have more relevant qualification and experience, and therefore regret to say that your application has this time not been successful.

    We nevertheless have kept your resume in our database and will let you know if another opportunity suiting your qualification and experience arises in the future.

    We also wish you good luck in your job search efforts. Hopefully you will be able to find something within your interest soon.

    Yours sincerely

    (Your Name and Signatures)

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