List of Acupunctures Clinics in London

Acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine that has ancient roots in China and has ben available to the residents of London for quite some time. The technique treats patients with small solid pins which are inserted in to acupuncture points of the skin. Most acupuncture needles are constructed with steel wire and they are either reusable or disposable. There are many acupuncture clinics in London which have experienced and qualified practitioners under the supervision of an expert who uses the technique to treat different ailments. Some of these clinics are working privately and are insured members of the UK’s main regulating body of acupunctures, the British Acupuncture Council. These clinics usually try to offer complimentary therapies for London residents along with their regular doctors’ advice.


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    The Helix Clinic is a private acupuncture clinic which is located at 2 minutes of walking distance from Victoria tube station. The clinic employs effective and safe methods and is operated by their highly qualified and fully experienced practitioners.

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    Light Centre is one of the best care centers for natural health and well beingand it offers 28 therapies, including acupuncture. The reception is open from 7.30am to 9.30pm, Monday to Friday and from 8am to 4pm on Saturdays.

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    The Westover - Wandsworth is a company which provides many health care services under one roof. It offers some complimentary therapies by their practitioners, and acupuncture is one of them.

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    The Happiness Centre is a health care centre that has been serving Londoners for more than ten years and offers different therapies, coaching programmes and training courses.

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    Clapham Common Clinic is a licensed clinic which was established in 1986. It offers a wide range of therapies, Chinese acupuncture and herbs to help infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy symptoms, breech presentation, induction of labour, menopause, etc

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    The London Acupuncture Clinic is a herbal medicine and acupuncture clinic that is serving with their best qualified acupuncturists.

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    The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine offers a wide range of complimentary treatments and therapies by their professionals in the supervision of a leading expert Dr Juliya Kenyon, who was a chairman of the British Medical Acupuncture society in 1980.

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    AcuMedic Centre was established in 1972 and is one of largest Chinese medical organizations outside of Asia. Doctors, therapists and acupuncturists are chosen from the best institutes, ensuring the best possible treatment to the patients.

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    Central Health Physiotherapy is a respected company in London that gives top class physiotherapy by their highly qualified specialists, besides providing other health and fitness services that include hydrotherapy, massage, acupuncture, occupational and more.

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    Sensus Health & Wellness Ltd was established in 1998 as a multi disciplinary clinic to provide therapies that include Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Hot Stone Massage, Indian Head Massage, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Reflexology and Sports/Therapeutic Massage.

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