Art And Craft Stores in Montreal

Admiring arts and crafts is considered as a terrific hobby which not only keeps you in touch with the antique era but with modernization as well. There are several people who love to buy antique paintings, a decoration piece or any other item, which is why they are always in search of an authentic arts and crafts shop. In Montreal there are several shops where you can easily find artistic items beautifully drawn or created. You will also be able to find few, way more attractive items which are not only precious but distinctive as well due to their connection with history.


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    Indianica, if you are in a search of native craft and soapstone sculpture then do pay a visit at Indanica because they will provide you with an extensive collection of silver and antique jewelry along with handmade moccasins.



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    Emeline & Annabelle, is a perfect place where you can not only find sewing workshops but the facility of online shopping can help you in buying distinctive and amazing handmade items, like bags purses attire etc.

    Emeline & Annabelle Atelier Couture Café
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    Boutique des métiers d'art du Québec, is yet another place where you can easily find arts and crafts items, under one roof.

    Boutique des métiers d'art du Québec
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    Les trouvailles chandel, if you are fond of eastern music or you wish to get any of your musical instrument repaired then do pay a visit at this place.

    Les trouvailles chandel
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    Frabels Inc has an elegant variety of jewelry which have beautiful stones fixed in it. Whether its earnings, rings, pendants or any other sort of jewelry you will find eye catching tremendous collection at Frabels Inc.

    Frabels Inc
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    Canadian Guild Of Crafts, is an eminent arts and crafts shop where you will experience amazing and rich art pieces which also includes few fanatical shots from top photographers and collection of fine arts items.

    Canadian Guild Of Crafts
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    L'Oiseau Bleu Artisanat Inc, is another arts and crafts shop in the city of Montreal where you will find special artistic items along with scrap booking.

    L'Oiseau Bleu Artisanat Inc
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    Ugarit La Maison De L'Artisanat Inc, provides variety of arts and crafts item which are not only sold at half prices but they are also of a good quality.

    Ugarit La Maison De L'Artisanat Inc
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    Kama Pigments Matériel D'Artistes, if you are an artist and looking for a perfect quality of arts items, like paints and brushes then do check the items present at KAMA Pigments because since 1996 they are providing artists the best quality items.

    Kama Pigments Matériel D'Artistes
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    Gould Supplies, is a crafts shop which is providing fanatical art pieces which includes jewelry, paintings for elders as well as childern

    Gould Supplies

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