List of Breweries in Ottawa

Whether you are a fan of beer or not, it’s hard to argue it’s popularity. Beer is considered to be the world’s most widely consumed alcoholic beverage and it’s third most popular drink after water and tea. The beer magic happens in a facility called a brewery. Beer is the combination of fermented wheat and barley flavoured with hops which also acts as a natural preservative.

Ottawa has a few diverse and reputed breweries that will excite even the biggest beer fans. This is a Step by Step List of the city’s breweries.


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    Broadhead Brewery

    Broadhead is a new and exciting beer company that boasts 6 ales brewed with a dedication and tradition. They call themselves an underdog and allow that to motivate them. If you get a chance to try Broadhead beer you will know that you are drinking something special. Unlike the different types of beer available in the market, Broadhead beer is a cut above the rest as they take their time to produce some of the best beer around. Be sure to buy some extra for your friends as they are sure to enjoy it.

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    Hogsback Brewing Company

    This breweries beer is available at select LCBOs and is owned by four local products who have a passion for beer. They do not currently have a location available for visit, but the LCBO’s that carry it are below. If you can find some beer from Hogsback Brewing Company, then you are definitely in for a treat. They know how to make their beer as you will find out from the rich taste and lasting flavour.

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    Kichesippi Beer Company

    The name of the company is derived from the ancient word for the Ottawa River meaning “Great River”. It is a family owned endeavor and have been around since 1995. If you love beer then you will definitely enjoy Kichesippi beer. They take their time brewing some of the finest beer in the area. You will love their smooth flavour and rich tasting beer.

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    Brewery search:

    You should do a little research on your own and you might find a small brewery tucked away on some side street in the city. Talk to different liquor store owners and ask them for locally brewed beer. They will have an excellent selection of some of the finest local beers available. Check the labels and you will find the contact information for some of these smaller breweries. Give them a call and maybe you will be allowed to visit their facilities and do some taste testing. This is a great way to enjoy the weekend with your beer loving friends.

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