List of Debt Lawyers in London

Are you caught in the quick sand of debt? Do you feel as if there is no way out? Do not worry, there is help. Debt lawyers in London specialise in helping individuals and firms legally deal with debt and other financial obligations. They can help you restructure payments, reduce monthly installments and make your liabilities more manageable. Below is a list of debt lawyers operating in London that can help you climb out of debt problems. Remember to fully investigate a firm before committing to them and taking legal advice. Remember, debt collectors can make it sound like you have no time to spare but a good attorney can ease the pressure and make life easier.


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    Mitchell Simmonds, brings together a team of specialist debt lawyers, each with an individual experience of more than 10 years, and approach for evaluation and attention to details. They have some of the top debt solicitors in London.

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    West London Law Solicitors, is a specialised firm that have been awarded a Specialist Quality Mark in debt law by the Legal Services Commission.  They deal in comprehensive range of bank related issues including debt.

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    CARA Solicitors, is an international charity organisation with a specilaised department of debt and credit advice to pople with debt problems. Cara provides a lawyer, advice and control over the matters.

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    YVA Solicitors, is an amalgamation of two firms of Solicitors in North London and consists of number of highly qualified staff in the debt and bankruptcy affairs. The company is specialised in debt and credit services with an additional services in property, family, commercial and personal affairs.

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    Noble Solicitors, was established in 1996 and since then has grown in the field of Civil, Family Commercial and Criminal practices but are specialised in debt and credit related affairs. They prvoide best possible way to a debtor and also negotiate with creditors to challenge or reschedule payments.

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    Saul Marine and Co, is serving the Londoners for last ten years in Corporate Sector and since then has been considered among most efficient debt and credit related lawyers. They deal with Consumer debt and credit disputes, contract disputes, insurance law disputes and bank negligence and breach of duty affairs.

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    Moss Beachley Mullem and Coleman, offer free first half advice to its client in all fields including debt counseling and bankruptcy services. They offer personal budget and preparations, negotiate with the creditors on the behalf of their clients and also deal with harassment from credit agencies.

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    Hodge Jones and Allen, are specialized in the field of corporate affairs and and have managed to enter its name among the top debt and credit affairs resolver in the London.

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    CLC Solicitors, was established in 1998 and since then has rapidly increased its field of specialisations. They are considered one of the best and reliable debt and bankruptcy lawyers in London.

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    Nucleus Legal Advice, is an organisation with more than 1800 lawyers, all specialized in different fields. The firm works as an voluntary organisation and provide top lawyers in debt and bankruptcy affairs to community.

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