List of Environmental Lawyers in London

Environmental lawyers work closely with the environmental expert to ensure natural beauty and security of wildlife in any region. They sue those companies which can effect the climate change or producing threat to wildlife because of excessive use of chemicals and pesticides. Like if an industrialist drains the waste of his industry into canal or river, he will be summoned to the court via help of an environmental lawyer. Furthermore the people who suffer from any kind of pollution and want to get rid of it via legal process come to the environmental lawyers for help. If a case is filed by an individual or a group of people against any chemical or pesticide company, then the officials of that particular company will also consult the issue with environmental lawyers. To start your search we have provided a step by step list of few environmental lawyers in London:
Environmental Law Foundation, is recognised and respected for their independence and expertise at government level.
Clarkslegal LLP , in employment law, property law, dispute resolution, corporate law and environmental law across the UK and internationally.
Atlas Chambers, established in 2005 brought together a core group of friends and acquaintances specialising generally in the area of Public Law as well as environmental laws.
ClientEarth, they bring law, science and policy together to tackle various social issues.
Bright Case International Law Firm, works for individuals, companies, organisations and governments based on its solid experience to tackle environmental issues.
Silver Shemmings LLP, working for the betterment of environmental situation in the region.
M Law, well established firm of environmental law working in London.
QualitySolicitors Freeman Harris, lawyers are profoundly conscious of their role as legal assistants to the local community in the field of environmental sector.
Crowther Clayton Associates, they have numbers of assistants to the local community in the field of environmental sector.
Gregory Abrams Davidson LLP, Solicitors London, playing its role as legal adviser in the field of environmental issue.