Loan Application Email

Either for the business purposes or for any other personal use, you might have to apply for a loan from a financial institution. Keep in mind that you must have a valid reason for applying for a loan and you have to fulfill all the documentation required.

In the opening paragraph of your email, tell the recipient your purpose of writing the email. Mention that you want to apply for a loan from his/her organization, clearly stating the amount of the money.

In the following paragraph, give a brief introduction of yourself. Tell the recipient about your occupation and how much do you earn on monthly basis. Mention the purpose of applying for the loan. You can also mention your previous experience of obtaining the loan from any other organization and how well you repaid it.

Conclude the last paragraph of your email by praising the loan provider and ask him/her to hold your application in to consideration.


  • 1

    Sample of Loan Application Email


    Dear Mr. Tom Smith

    I am writing this email to you for applying a loan for business purposes. I request you to allocate a business loan $50,000 on urgent basis.

    I am running a small construction organization, the details of which are provided in the documents attach to this email, in Miami, Florida. I have to initiate a new construction project for which I will need finances. I am a customer of your bank for the past 8 years and have taken such business loans three times in the past. My repayment record has also been flawless in the past and I shall continue to maintain it in the future as well.

    I hope the documents attached to this email will be sufficient to fulfill your requirements and you will hold my loan application into consideration.


    Richard Johnson

  • 2

    Template of Loan Application Email

    To: [email address of recipient]

    Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of the recipient]

    I wish to apply for a personal loan of $20,000 from your bank on urgent basis. I am a loyal customer of your bank for the last 5 years and qualify for the personal loan criteria.

    I desire to renovate my house next month and for this purpose, I ask for a personal loan. I have attached all the required documents to this email as well.

    Kindly process my loan application on urgent basis so I can begin the house renovation process at my earliest. I hope you will respond positively to this email.


    [Your name]

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