London Olympics Mascots

Mascot is basically an object or an animated character that is thought to bring good fortune. Well it is not necessary that this term is only defined for animals or caricature entity, it can be a person as well. The basic purpose behind developing a mascot is to endow a common public identity to a group of people, like a sports team, school, society or a brand etc. But if you see a mascot character in the world of sports, then its basic intention is merchandising. Besides being popular in schools, military and various other societies, mascots play a major role in the Olympics.  In year 2012 not only in the host city, London, but all around the globe, the character by the name of Wenlock has caught every one’s eyes.


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    History of Macots:

    From Provence and Gascony, province of France, the word mascot was originated. A dialectic use of this character has been seen in their homes especially; French believed that mascot’s basic aim is to bring luck to their life. Though the origin of this belief was from France still currently many people are introducing mascots, intending to use for goodwill ambassadors in organizations, or in a sports team. 1968 was the year when mascots were introduced in Olympics, since then the trend started, and over the past few years it has become one of the prominent tradition of Olympics.

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    2010’s Mascot:

    The 2010 Olympics, which took place in Singapore, had Lyo and Merly as their lucky charm. The blue female mythical creature, Merlion, and the red male lion were designed in 6 months. Besides giving them astrological signs their favorite food, hobby, motto and dream were also described, in order to make the characters more interesting.

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    Mascots Introduction:

    Michael Morpurgo, a famous English play writer, poet and author came up with the story of Olympic 2012’s mascot. This year mascots of both Olympics and Paralympics Games were introduced together. This joint presentation makes them more eminent and high-flying. Michael’s story is that mascots will make their entry by making a run-up towards the 2012 Olympics. But before their entrance a story by the name of Out of a Rainbow will tell how Wenlock and Mandeville (Paralympics Game’s Mascot) came into being, and the other story by the name of On a Rainbow will show how mascots meet children and take part in various games.

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    Appearance Description of Wenlock (Olympics):

    The name of 2012 Olympics’ mascot, Wenlock is inspired by a central town of Shropshire England, Much Wenlock. This is the location where the first modern Olympic Games were scheduled, back in 1850, with the assistance of Wenlock Olympian Society.  The character is very interestingly created; his wrist has five different colored bands which are basically the color of Olympics ring. His head has three points which signifies the three positions on the podium, while the shape represents the roof of the Olympics Stadium. Besides that his body has a logo which denotes that the entire world will participate in the games.  On the top of its head there is a taxi symbol which is inspired by London’s taxi.

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