Making Time for Yourself in a Relationship

In relationships, people often commit the mistake of giving less individual space to their partner. Eventually the minor issues turn into resentments and the breaking point reaches. Being in a relationship, it is important for a person to realize that alone time is as important as together time. Mostly, a relationship is a combination of compromises both the individuals make to keep to keep it running. This effectively suppresses the individual identity and independence of a person, and after a while, the scenario can take a toll.

Taking time off in a relationship is therefore necessary, but it should be done in a way that the other partner doesn’t get offended. In this article, we will discuss way in which you extract some much needed time for yourself and that too in a subtle way.


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    Talk to your partner

    No matter what the situation is always maintain communication with your partner. If you feel the desire to have some lone time, come out in the open at an opportune time, when you think some self leisure can be afforded in terms of time and obligations. When talking to your partner/spouse, emphasize on the importance of such a lay off, and assure him/her that it will only help you in making things better. Never commit a mistake of indicating that you are sick and tired of your current situation.

    While having this conversation, make your partner realize that you will miss him/her dearly during the time you plan to be away. Also encourage him/her to take some time off and to get rejuvenated.

    There can be case in which your partner is reluctant or flatly refuses to give you the space you desperately need. While in the former case, you should try to talk him/her out of the perceived shell, in the second case, time might be right for you to re-evaluate the relationship. If he or she is not accepting this simple request, then worse things may follow in future.

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    Make a routine

    Asking your partner repeatedly for some time for your own self can become a bit odd after a while. This situation can be avoided if you incorporate such a thing in your weekly, bi-weekly or monthly routine, as per your circumstances.

    - Never have second thoughts about your requirement for self time. Stay positive and shed off all fear about whether you are doing the right thing or not.

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