National D.A.R.E. Day Overview

Apart from all the other threats to which the world and particularly the younger generation is exposed to, evils like drugs, gangs and violence are the leading ones. We do our utmost to protect our children from every harmful thing we possibly can. However, it is not possible to always keep an eye on them, particularly when they have grown up. For this reason, there is always a chance that the young kids may be exposed to bad societies and engage in wrong practices. The only way this could be avoided is by educating communities about these threats properly. In order to ensure this becomes a social responsibility, the 12th of April is celebrated as National Drug Abuse Resistance Education Day in the United States of America and it is important to understand the significance of this day.
History and Origin
It has not been too long that the people of United States have started observing this day. In response to the growing threats of drug abuse, gangs and violence, U.S President Barrack Obama made a declaration back in April 2009 that a day in the month of April will be celebrated as National D.A.R.E day.
Purpose of Observance
The purpose of observing the day is to ensure help and support to the parents and guardians of the younger generation to resist pressure of using drugs and engaging in other harmful activities, and also to discourage people who take drugs from using them.
Steps taken to ensure D.A.R.E
In order to ensure that community based drug abuse prevention strategies are lawfully implemented, a program known as The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) was introduced. The program is meant to serve as a helping tool to educate young people on how they can resist pressure from peers and abstain from the use of drug and violence. Besides this, there are some celebrations associated with D.A.R.E day. Please visit How to Celebrate National D.A.R.E. Day for information on how to celebrate it.