Networking Follow Up Email

When you network with someone, or someone from your social circle assists you, it becomes necessary to express your appreciation and tell the benefactor(s) that you really enjoyed working with them and found their support very helpful. The best way to let your benefactor know that you acknowledge his/her support is by writing a follow up email.
Use opening salutation. Since you are familiar with the person the mail is being written to, use his/her name in the salutation. Use Dear (name), however, if you do not know the name of the recipient, you can write Dear Sir as well.
The first paragraph of the follow-up email should state why you are writing this email and how you are satisfied with the support the recipient(s) gave you through networking. Do not write the details in the opening paragraph as it may turn off the reader.
The second paragraph should concentrate on the details of the event and highlight the help the recipient gave you – a seminar, a service, etc.
In the third paragraph, you can express hope for even better relationships in the future. Express your gratitude once again and assure the recipient of your well wishes.
Use closing salutation. If you have used Dear (name) in the opening salutation, use “sincerely” at the end.
Sample Networking Follow Up Email
Subject: Follow Up Email
Dear Mr. Rand,
I would like to thank you for taking out time to talk to me about online education in the United States. It was great to learn about the growing number of fake online schools and the conversation with you has made me put more emphasis on research about online education.
Your interraction not only helped me learn about the new trends in education sector, but I also enjoyed hearing about your own experiences which led to the exposure of many fake degree-awarding institutes working online.
I will definitely spread your message throughout the education sector in the United States, and will try to take colleges and universities in confidence before we make another attempt at exposing the fake educationists.
Again, thank you for being helpful in my research about online education in the country. I will keep you updated with my plans and programs.
John Harris -
Template of Networking Follow Up Email
To: (Recipient's email)
Subject: Follow Up Email
Dear (Recipient’s name),
I am writing this email to thank you for the support you gave me regarding the import of inexpenive foreign sports goods. It was great learning about how our local producers are competing against importers.
The seminar you organized not only attracted traders and manufacturers in droves, but it also drew attention from government officials, who must take action against the rising imports of cheap sports goods into the country.
We plan to arrange more such seminars in the coming months all across the United States and I am sure you will be there to support us once again.
(Sender name)