New Year Greeting Messages for Colleagues

Right after the celebrations of Christmas we make our selves prepared for the new calendar, yes New Year is basically beginning of a new calendar and an increment in the year count. People start thinking of their New Year resolution, few get themselves busy in throwing a party, but they never forget to wish their friends, acquaintances and family the happiness of the upcoming year.

With progress and development in technology, the old traditions through which people use to wish their colleagues have been replaced. People prefer sending email messages, e cards and SMS’s.

Whatever the source is, whether you are using the old traditional way or the new scientific way people should remember colleagues on this special occasion, which will show that you appreciate working with them.


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    First you have to choose a simple card which has an image or a title related to New Year’s greetings. Don’t choose something informal, because you might not have casual relation with all of your colleagues.

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    Type a nice message in the inner side of the card, but in a decent manner. Like you can write, ‘Warmest wishes to you and your family, Happy New Year.’ Do not forget to mention your name in the greeting card.

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    On envelop be careful while writing the address, you would never want your colleague to miss your warm wishes.

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    If you prefer electronic media to send your acquaintances a New Year wish, you can search for an appropriate e card online and email it. Every one now days have access to internet so they will definitely receive your greetings.

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    SMS is another convenient way to send warm wishes, you just have to type a message keeping in mind the professional etiquettes and send it on their number.

    It is a part of traditions to send cards with warm wishes to people, you remain in contact or know them by any chance, it will help you in making your bond stronger whether it’s a professional one.

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