Playing Over Minor Guitar Chords

In total, there are seven basic minor guitar chords. Just like the seven major chords, there are minor ones for them as well. If you want to learn the minor chords, the trick is quite simple. When it comes to playing the guitar, simply tune it to standard and you are good to go.


  • 1

    A minor chord

    Use your middle and ring fingers to hold down second frets of D and G strings. Hold down the first fret of the B string with your index finger. Let all other strings ring except for the first one. (X 0 2 2 1 0)

  • 2

    B minor chord

    The B minor chord is the most difficult to play. The shape of a B and C minor chord is similar, but they both are played in different keys. For a B minor chord, place your index finger on the second fret of the A string. Put your ring and little fingers on the fourth frets of D and G strings. Use your middle finger to hold down the third fret of B string. It is up to you to let the last string ring, or you can also press the second fret of the E string. (X 2 4 4 3 2)

  • 3

    C minor chord

    The shape of this is the same as the B minor chord. You simply have to move your index finger to the third fret of the A string. The rest shifts simultaneously. (X 3 5 5 2 3)

  • 4

    D minor chord

    In order to play the D minor chord, mute the first two strings, let the D string ring and hold down the second fret of the G string, third fret of the B string and the first fret of the last E string. (X X 0 2 3 1)

  • 5

    E minor chord

    It is the easiest chord to play in guitar’s musical theory. Simply hold down the second frets of A and D strings and let all the other strings ring. (0 2 2 0 0 0)

  • 6

    F minor chord

    This chord is quite difficult to play and if you have a guitar with a high action, this will be painful as well. Hold down the first frets of all the strings and then press the third frets of A and D. (1 3 3 1 1 1)

  • 7

    G minor chord

    This is similar to the F minor chord. The shape is the same and you just have to slide your first finger to the third fret of the E string. The rest of the shape follows the first finger simultaneously. (3 5 5 3 3 3)

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