Procedure for Applying Pakistan Tourist Visit Visa in Ottawa

Pakistan displays one of the most magnificent valleys and landscapes in the World including spectacular view of northern areas and wonderful mountains of Himalaya to the Karakorum ranges. Pakistan also has one of the most diverse cultures which make it a best place for tourists across the World including tourists from Canada. Pakistan has very flexible requirements to offer its tourist visa to Canadian residents. Everyone, either Canadian citizen of National of any other country in the World, can apply for the tourist visit visa from Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan in Ottawa and Consulate General of Pakistan in Toronto.  Here is a step by step guide to get Pakistan Tourist Visit Visa from Ottawa that will make the process easier for you.

High Commission of Pakistan

Address: 10 Range Rd, Ottawa, ON K1N 8J3, Canada
+1 613-238-7881
Visit High Commission of Pakistan Website


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    Application form

    You can download application form by visiting official website of the Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan in Ottawa. Alternatively you download the application form clicking the link given below.

    Click to download Application Form.

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    Following are the required documents that the Pakistan High Commission in Ottawa has set to get tourist visit visa from Canadian capital:

    (a) Completed application form.
    (b) Passport that should be valid for at least six months and copy of the first page showing applicant’s photograph and data.
    (c) If you are the resident of other country and applying for the Pakistan visit visa you need to show “valid Canadian permanent resident card”.
    (d) Two identical passport sized photographs in white coloured background. Remember There is an availability of private photographer in Consulate General of Pakistan in Ontario.
    (e) Visa fee, or proof of submission of visa fee.

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    Application fee for single entry visit visa is CAD $100 while for Multiple visit visa the fee is CAD $190. However this fee is only for the Canadian Passport holders, Nationals of other countries need to contact Diplomatic Mission for fee schedule. Fee can be paid in cash, Bank Draft, Money Order or Certified Check in the favour of “Consulate General of Pakistan”. However, you can also pay your fee at the Consulate General of Pakistan booth of Habib Canadian Bank in Toronto. The bank will charge extra $5 for each application. Bank also accepts cash, debit or credit card at the time of application submission.

    Consulate General of Pakistan
    1120 Finch Avenue West, North York, ON M3J 3H7, Canada View Map
    +1 416-250-1255
    Visit Consulate General of Pakistan Website

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    Submission of Application Form

    Application forms can be submitted in person or via registered courier or mail. If you are submitting your application in person, you need to visit the Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan in Ottawa.

    High Commission For Pakistan
    10 Range Rd, Ottawa, ON K1N 8J3, Canada View Map
    +1 613-238-7881
    Visit High Commission For Pakistan Website

    If you are sending your application using courier or registered mail, you should invariably enclose a pre-paid, self addressed registered/courier envelope. Your application pack should include all the above mentioned documents otherwise your application may be rejected. Remember visa fee is non-refundable in all cases.

    (a) Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan advises the residents of other cities except Ontario and Quebec to prepare a Bank Draft or Money Order in the name of the “High Commission of Pakistan Ottawa”.
    (b) Residents of Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia who are submitting their application to the mission in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are requested to prepare Bank Draft or Money order in the name of the “Consulate General of Pakistan”.

    Below is a list of registered courier services in Ottawa.
    (a) Speedy Messenger Service

    (b) Swift Messenger Delivery

    (c) The UPS Store

    You can also locate Canadian Post office by clicking on the below given link.

    Click to locate Canadian Post Office in Ottawa.

    After you have submitted your application, the Consulate General of Pakistan or High commission of Pakistan will issue you a receipt. You need to keep it with you because you will need it to show for the collection of documents.

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    Application Processing Time

    Pakistan offers tourist visit visa to Canadian national in one working day however the time for the Nationals of other countries varied from case to case.

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    Receive Visa

    If you submit your application physically, you will have to visit either consulate General of Pakistan or High Commission of Pakistan to collect your passport on the specified date. However, if you submit your application via mail or courier, the Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan will send your Visa, passport and other documents back through mail. They will use the same envelope you send them on the time of application submission.

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